Chapter Fifteen

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Mikaela POV

Scarlett held her wand with both hands and started speaking words in Latin. She flicked it and pointed it at my neck.

An excruciating pain hit my neck, and I fell down with a scream, closing my eyes and flying my hand to my mark.

- Don't let her touch it! – I heard Scarlett scream.

I felt arms grabbing mine, keeping me from touching my neck. I opened my eyes and saw blue concerned eyes looking at me. Beckett.

I closed my eyes again and bit my lips to keep myself from screaming again.

I could barely make out what was happening around me. I heard voices, though I did not know what they were saying or who they were talking to.

I think I heard faint male screams as well. Was Asher feeling the same pain?

Waves of burning pain kept beating from my neck to the rest of my body. As if fire was running through my veins. I had never experienced pain like this. I wanted it to stop. But I knew it had to keep going. I was strong enough to take it. I could stand this.

Another shock of pain. I bent over trying to stand the pain. I was shaking uncontrollably. It was too painful and soon everything became dark.

I opened my eyes. I could not focus my sight. I had to blink several times. My body felt heavy and I tried to get up, but I could not move.

- Stay down – I heard Scarlett's voice. – You're still weak. – She said.

I felt a tingling sensation on my neck, and tried to reach for it, but I could not move my hands.

- Don't move, Luna. – Marina was putting a wet cloth on my forehead.

I move my head, to look around.

I was lying on the bedroom bed. The same bedroom I remember we started the process to erase my mark. I see an unconscious Asher sitting in the same chair, still in chains. With his head hanging down. Tony is by the door looking at me. When I catch his eyes, he smiles at me.

Doctor John is looking at his clipboard. Beckett is in a chair next to me, across from Marina. I think he is holding my hand. But I really can't feel anything right now, only the tingles on my neck.

Scarlett is standing on the end of the bed.

- You did good, Luna. You were only unconscious for about an hour. – She informs me.

I lay my head back on the pillow and stare at the ceiling.

- Is it finished? – I asked.

- The mark is still in process to be fully erased. It's like your body is healing the superficial scar. It should only take a few more minutes. – Scarlett told me.

- Good. – I tell her. I felt weak and Asher's scent had become stronger. Nicer. I did not like this.

- The bond is in its initial state. – Scarlett tells me. – Like the day you met him.

That's why I feel uneasy being close to him.

"It's okay, we can fight the pull" My wolf tells me.

Yes, we have to fight it.

"You still need to reject him when he awakes." Scarlett reminded me. But of course I did not forget that part.

- I know, I feel the pull. – I say softly.

My legs and arms start recovering their strength and I can feel them again. I move my feet and stretch my toes. My ankles and toes crack. I do the same with my wrists, letting go of Beckett's hand and they also crack. I was stiff for a while, I think.

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