-Natasha x Reader- Mission

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(I can promise you that no one is dying in this story, so I take no responsibility for the tears spilt if anyone spills any)

Summary: You and Natasha hate each other more than anything. Things do change when something goes terribly wrong on a mission and you both need to set your priorities straight.

"Romanoff, you listen to me, I do not care whether or not you like Agent Y/L/N, you are going on this mission and if you come back and either one of you is hurt the other one is at fault" Fury directed the two of you while standing in his office, and you couldn't help but smirk.

"But sir. No offense, but I can do this mission myself, I don't need her sloppy ass dragging behind me" She tried to tell him gaining a beautiful eye roll from you.

"I WILL NOT HEAR ANYMORE COMPLAINTS FROM EITHER OF YOU, AND YOU GET THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE AGENT Y/L/N." He screamed, slamming his hand on the table, and moved his hand for the two of you to walk out.

The two of you walked out the door, and moved down the door. "So much for being daddy's favorite" Romanoff scowled at you and pushed you with her shoulder, making you fall flat on your face earning a laugh from her.

"Bitch" you whispered under your breath, but loud enough for her to hear, but she just kept walking. "HEY, ASSHAT" You yelled and she turned around, you kept up on your feet, "I'm gonna leave the file in your room" She told you, you nodded and walked off so did she.

After walking back to your room and looking over the file that she thankfully actually gave you (unlike other times) you went down to the training area and saw her sparring with another agent. You walked over to the bench and placed your bag and the other agent walked out, every sane person would walk out, nobody would wanna be in a room alone with you and Agent Romanoff, well unless they were stupid or straight up idiotic.

You walked over to one of Steve Rogers many punching backs accidentally standing next to Agent Romanoff you started just punching and punching, so did Agent Romanoff. After standing there for 2 hours you walked away and over to the thread mill, you got onto it and clicked the buttons onto 6 and on the hill setting you just began running and running, without noticing Romanoff getting on the one next to you.

After around 4 hours of running, Romanoff had gotten off at least 3 hours ago you almost fell off and Romanoff began laughing at you, you got up and walked over to your bag to get some water. "We leave in 30" she tells you and walks off. You grabbed your bag and walked out the gym straight for your room. When you arrived in your room you got changed looked over the files one more time and walked fast towards the landing bay.

"Well, well look who decided to join us. Agent Y/L/N." one of the other agents laughed at you and Agent Romanoff snorted and some of the others started laughing as well when Fury shot them all a look and helped you onto the quinjet where you strapped yourself in and smirked to yourself as you clicked the button that made the quinjet close which made everyone jump a little and Romanoff had to hurry onto it or you would leave without her.

"Okay, WTF are you doing?!" She shot at you as she got to the front and sat down by the wheel "Oh please, you deserved it" you laughed at her, she looked at her and started up the quinjet. When you got in the air, she put it on autopilot and you unbuckled yourself and got up. "Soooooo when do I get to know your real name. Agent Romanoff"  you asked her sarcastically, which ended with her looking at you and rolling your eyes, "How about, uh never, is that good," she got cut off mid sentence by something hitting the side of the quinjet.

You looked over at her with panic in your eyes. The hit from whatever it was had broke one of the windows in the side of the quinjet and air was coming in making it difficult to breathe, as you looked over at Romanoff you could see her gathering some of the most important stuff and throwing a parachute over to you which you gladly accepted and she grabbed your hand and basically ran out of the back of the quinjet you screamed and when you hit the air and looked back you could see the plane falling towards the ground and then it hit it and blew up.

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