Crash - Scarlett X Reader

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Disclaimer! I have no idea if this is how these things work, don't take my word for any of it.


My fingers are intervened with Scarlett while we're watching a movie on her IPad. My head is on her shoulder and her head is resting on mine.

We're on our way home from vacation, it's close to midnight and most people are asleep. Though Scarlett is the type of person who cannot sleep on planes, and I'm staying awake out of solidarity.

After around an hour the lights in the plane become brighter and people are waking up, some complaining about the light being bright.

I groan and sit up right. "What's going on?" I ask Scar, even though she knows just as much as I do.

Her hand grabs onto my chin and our lips connect. "It doesn't matter, we've only got an hour and a half left, and then we're home," she says and smiles.

The plane starts shaking and the seatbelt sign turns on. "Turbulence," I mumble my voice shaky and grab onto the armrest my knuckles turning white.

Scarlett grabs onto my hand and places a kiss against my fingers, "you're okay, you're okay I'm right here," she says and puts her IPad away.

I shut my eyes as the shaking becomes worse and tighten my grip on her hand. "We are experiencing some turbulence, so we ask that everybody return to their seats and put on their seatbelts. And until further notice the toilets will be locked," A stewardess says over the intercom.

After 15 minutes the plane is still shaking and the stewardess sitting close to us has a look of panic in her eyes. "Scarlett," I whisper and gesture to the woman looking at us.

"I cannot believe I let you talk me into getting on a goddamn plane," I say frustrated and look at her, tears in my eyes.

"Last time I checked the vacation was your idea, so was the destination," she says and kisses me again.

I look out the window and shock flows over my face, and it feels like my heart stops for a minute. She notices this and looks out the window. "The plane is going down!" A man tells and people start screaming and panicking.

"I don't wanna die," I whisper and silent tears flow down my cheeks. "I don't wanna die," I repeat. I get forced into the back of my seat, and a cart rolls down the aisle and crashes into the door leading to the cockpit.

A child is screaming and another is crying. A woman and what I assume is her husband are holding onto a cross, silently praying.

"I love you," I say.

"No, don't do that we're not dying," she responds.

"Will you just shut up, I love you, okay Scarlett I love you, now say it back," I say both frustrated and terrified.

"I love you too,"

Third POV

That was the last thing the women said to each other before the plane went up into flames and hit the ground. It's been a month since the plane crash, and all 219 people on the plane died. Nobody knows what caused the plane to go down, all they know is that one day it was there, the next it wasn't.

The media caught attention of who was on the plane rather quickly, and soon enough Scarlett and Y/n's names were plastered across all the tabloids, media outlets, and on every Americans screen.

Kinda ironic I wrote about a plane crash while on a plane. Anyways, love y'all, as I'm writing this my plane is experiencing turbulence so that's fun! And my plane is still in the air🫡

Goodnight y'all!

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