God - Natasha X Reader

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Third person POV

Not proofread!

Today the Avengers are going to do something that they have never done, they are going to walk out onto a stage, in a room filled with paparazzi and answer questions, mostly about themselves. From the get go FUry thought it was a terrible idea, and both Natasha and Y/n agreed with him, having to put their personal life out there, just made them both uncomfortable. When Fury finally came around, the only condition he had was that they are not allowed to talk about past, present or future missions, as it could seriously compromise everyone involved.

Stark had made sure to get them somewhere to hold this big thing, and had gotten his assistant to contact every news crew, big and small, out there so everybody would have a chance at asking one or more Avengers a question.

When the heroes walked out on the stage and took their individual seats, the people in the crowd cheered, and the questions started out great, something along the lines of, "Why did you become an Avenger?" or "Do you get to have a normal life outside of saving the world?" Both of these questions got asked a dozen of times, just structured differently, and some of them worded differently.

After a short break the questions started to get harder to answer, even harder to redirect from when it got too personal. At one point Clint even walked off because one of the people in the audience asked about his family, and started naming his kids both names and birthdates, which he was let know was classified, so he handed the person in charge of families their ass on a platter and came back.

Thor paused for a second when someone asked about both his father, and his home. When they mentioned Pepper and all the things Tony had done "too her" something about his whole demonar changed, and when they mentioned Y/n's family, her heart skipped a beat.

Where everything really went downhill though, was right before the interview finished, a woman was chosen to ask one final question for one of the avengers, and she chose to ask Natasha.

"So, Agent Romanoff, you're 37 now, and you have no children, which isn't what god would want, god would want you to have children,"

Is what the interviewer initially said, not one person on stager could figure out what the woman actually wanted to say, though Natasha knew where this was leading, causing her to get anxious, and she started picking on the skin around her nails, making herself bleed.

"Where is the question?" Natasha responded politely and with a smile.

"Are you going to do anything about it? You know, to support your god, our god, our lord and savior," the woman responds.

Natasha hesitates to answer the question, her throat becomes dry and her eyes become visibly saddened, her eyes turn down on her hands which her folded in her lap. Y/n notices this, and discreetly reaches over and grabs it, intervening their fingers, rubbing her thumb against the back of Natasha's hand.

Clint clears his throat and leans closer to his mic "I think we're done for tonight," he says in a harsh tone and gives Y/n a look, which tells her that she should get Natasha out of there as quickly as possible.

The interviewer is taken aback by Clint's quick reaction, and Natasha's silent one, and starts complaining about not having asked one question all night. "Maybe you shouldn't have asked one that is none of your damn business!" Y/n yells and exits stage right, guiding Natasha down to a room way in the back.

Y/n sits Natasha down on a leather couch, and walks out of the room again to get a bottle of water. When Y/n leaves, Natasha's hands start shaking, and tears start pouring out down her cheeks and onto her shirt, her sobs sounds out and forces her to cover her mouth. Her breathing quickens and a panic attack quickly follows, her mind crowded with memories of the cold operating table, the needles pokes into her arm, the feeling of the anesthesia mask covering her face, and waking up in a cold bed, in a room with three other girls, and feeling like a piece of her was missing, making her cry just like now, making her sob and cover her mouth just like now.

When Y/n walked in, if this had been two days ago she would've covered up her crying, and her vulnerability, but she can't, her multiple attempts failed, her attempt at regulating her breathing, and stopping her hands from shaking isn't working. And because Y/n isn't used to seeing Natasha like this, she immediately crouches down on the floor in-front of her and grabs onto both of Natasha's hands, kissing them a couple of times, and moving a couple of hairs out of her face, gliding a hand across her wet cheek and using her own sleeve to dry them.

"You're okay Tasha, you're okay, you're going to be okay," she reminds the woman as she engulfs her in a hug, just letting her cry. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm right here," she tells her and the two women sit in silence for a good fifteen minutes before Natasha has stopped crying and her panic attack has died down.

"I'm never going to do that again, and I swear to god if any of you asks me to I will kill you," She says, no hesitation.

"There is the Natasha I know and love," Y/n smiles and the two make eye contact, "not that I don't love the other one too," she mumbles and places another kiss on Natasha's hand.

"I hate you, even though what you just did, did help me, so thank you, I hate you," she says and gives the woman a small comforting smiles.

"I told you, you were going to be okay. Besides, we all need a light at the end of the tunnel," Y/n reminds her, as it's something they've told each other for years.

"And you are my light, Y/n, and I love you," Natasha says.

"And you are mine," Y/n responds, "I love you," She follows up with.

"I'm sorry that I can't have kids," Natasha says and looks down at the ground, her eyes getting a sad shadow cast over them.

"I don't care, I don't care about having kids, I care about you, with or without kids, I care about you. And it is not your fault, it will never be your fault Tasha, and it's important to me, that you know, that I will never hold it against you, nor will I blame you, because it is not something you can be blamed for. You are the love of my life, and under no circumstances will that change."

Without saying a word Natasha throws herself down into Y/n's arms, pressing her face against her neck, Y/n's hand placed on her neck and another on her waist, "I love you, I always will, I always have," she responds and Y/n, can feel the smile coming from the woman.

Im just going to point out, I have nothing against any religion, though I am not apart of one, I am not against any, what I am against is people pushing and forcing their religion on other, or being against someone because of what they believe in. You should believe in what you want to believe in, and then you should mind your business about what the rest of us believe in.

This is what you're gonna get, stay safe, love ya!

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