In love - Natasha X Reader

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"Y/n, you cannot sit here and drink all day, it's almost midnight let's go home," Wanda tells me for the third time in the last thirty minutes.

"Let me drink this and we can go," I say for the third time this evening. She picks up the glass and empties it for me.

"There we go, let's go," she says annoyed, and grabs my bag, and car keys, and heads for the parking lot. "Y/n, let's go!" She yells when she realizes I'm not with her.

I stand up and roll my eyes before following after her. We make it to the compound and I head straight for my room, Wanda still close behind me. "Wanda I'm not five I know how to go to bed by myself," I tell her in the elevator.

"Yeah, well I just want to make sure that you're not going to end up drinking yourself to death," She says as the elevator stops but not on our floor. The doors open and Natasha walks in.

She and Wanda fall into talk as the elevator keeps going. We all walk out together and Wanda and I head for my room whilst Nat walks to her own.

Wanda closes my door behind her and we make eye contact. "You could at least talk to her," she says and I roll my eyes again. "Y/n, stop treating her like an ass, the two of you didn't work out and that's that, it happens sometimes," she says and leans against my door.

I turn and look at her, "Well what was I supposed to do? I was in love, actually taking a bullet, heartache, buying a cat, building a family, in love! So don't come here and tell me that what happened happened for a reason, because there is no fucking reason," I yell at her.


"Get out,"

"Y/n, come on,"

"Wanda I'm serious get out," I repeat and she opens the door behind her, and there is Natasha, looking back at me, having heard every word I said. I groan and fall back onto my bed, the two women still staring at me. I run my hands down my face, "Wanda can you give us a minute?" I mumble, she complies and walks out. 

"Y/n, I seriously think we need to talk, at this point what else could happen?" Natasha asks me. I stare at her like 'Are you serious?' as we both know what else could happen. "Please just talk to me," 

"I have tried talking to you for weeks, I am not going to spend another second on you, I have wasted my breath on you, you suck the oxygen out of my lungs, and watch me choke, I do not care about what you do, from this point forward, I do not want to hear you talking to me, I am done listening to you, because the last time I did, you ended up in another man's bed and hoped I would never find out, so from this moment on, we will never speak again," I say in a calm, but angry tone, before pushing past her, heading down to the shared space of the compound, both her and Wanda following behind me. 

Even though Tony had banished him from the compound, Bucky Barnes was still sitting in the compound's built-in bar room. He greets me with a smile, which fades when he sees the anger in my eyes, he stands, and Steve steps in between us. "Rogers I am giving you one chance to move out of the way," I threaten and he complies. 

"Y/n pleas-" He doesn't finish his sentence before he is flat out on the floor, Natasha kneeling by his side. 

"Now I'm done." I kneel next to her, "I hope you're happy," 

I stand back up and head for the nearest exit, which conveniently is right by the bar cabinet. I grab a bottle of vodka and walk out of the building, with no care in the world other than getting the fuck away from there. 

This is short, but it doesn't matter. As you might notice, I am not dead, but I have been very busy with school, and for this, I apologize. 

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