- Trauma - Natasha X Reader

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Based on the song Angry by Paravi that I'm very obsessed w at the moment :>

Natasha POV

We have all been on our different assigned missions all day, I've mostly been training at the tower today, and Y/n has a mission with Steve and then some work with Pepper so I haven't seen her all day.

"It's typical Tony to plan these type of things with such short notice," Y/n laughs and places a kiss on my neck, I smile and laugh at her statement.

"He's always been like that, really fucking bad at time management," I state and put my earrings in.

"Can you close my necklace?" She asks me, I help her and run my hands down her bare back, sending chills up her spine.

"Thanks love," she smiles and turns around, we're standing inches apart, I can fee her hands snake around my waist and I connect out lips.

"I won the jackpot with you," she mumbles making me giggle.

"I love you" I say and wrap my arms around her neck, "I love you too," she says and hugs me, I can smell the familiar perfume coating her neck, and the lavender shampoo and conditioner she stole from me in the shower earlier. I've been planning on buying her, her own set for her birthday so she stops stealing mine.

I don't have a problem with it, it just makes the trips to the mall more frequent and with our job you never know when you have time for a walk around the mall.

"We don't wanna be late," she states, and move her arms away from me, I hug her tighter, "not yet,"

Her arms wrap around me again, "okay, not yet," she repeats.

I can hear her heartbeat, the sound I love listening to when I'm falling asleep, I can feel her chest pressing against my every time she breathes in, I can sense myself feeling so safe in her arms and never wanting her to let go.

"My love, we have to go," I let go of her and peck her lips before walking over to grab my coat, I grab the car keys as well and we walk down to the car.

We arrive at Tony's house 10 minutes later and walk hand in hand inside the house. Pepper greets us at the door and tell us the others are sitting in the living room before she slips upstairs.

We get to where the guys are and sit down on the two white chairs by the couches, we could obviously sit next to the guys but personally having my own chair is better, unless I'm sharing with Y/n ofc, that's an exception.

We have been here for a couple of hours now and Y/n decided to help clean up a little while the others still sit and chat. I get up to help her and we walk out to the kitchen and Pepper is standing there.

I place the glasses on my hand on the counter and Y/n accidentally knock one of them onto the floor smashing it.

"I'm so sorry," she repeats about 10 times and she looks at me in shock as I clean up the glass with Peppers help. The others doesn't really know me and Y/n are a thing and that we have been for a very long time, but with the way she's panicking right now I don't care.

"Darling it's okay, it was an accident, no one got hurt," I tell her, she keeps crying and apologizing, "Y/n, Y/n honey look at me," I tell her as her eyes keep looking at the glass in the trash and water on the floor, "Y/n, nothing happened, it's okay," I kiss her trying to calm her down.

"I promise you," I assure her, "do you want to go home? I'm sure the guys will understand I'll just tell Tony Nat had too much to drink," Pepper tells her, normally I would've said something but I'll let it slide, Y/n nods and I take her out to the car and drive us home.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles in the car, "darling it's fine, it's just a glass," I tell her, "I'm so sorry," she repeats.


"Why didn't Pepper get angry? Why was she not screaming at me? Why did she not get mad and yell at me?" She asks me confused, I look at her in utter disbelief and gulp, I've never been asked this in this type of situation.

"Baby, in those type of situations it's important to just stay calm, and with Tony running around like a toddler in that house 90% of the time I totally understand Peppers reaction, she would never yell at you," I try to comfort her, she nods and I grab her hand.

"Let's go inside and go to bed okay?" She nods again and we walk into our apartment.

I'm sitting on my side of the bed when Y/n walk out of the bathroom, "You can ask," She tells me and takes one of the two necklaces she's wearing.

"No, it's none of my business, and I don't wanna push it," I say and change into my pajamas.

She shrugs, "it's my mother, when I was 10 I think we were at my uncles birthday and I accidentally smashed a glass same as today, and my uncle dismissed it and my aunt made sure I hadn't cut myself on the glass while my mother was screaming at me; I've been terrified and of ending up in situations like that again, simply because of the reaction," she tells me.

I wrap my arms around her like earlier today, "I'm sorry," I mumble and look at her, "it's okay," she assures me.

"I love you okay?"

She nods and kisses me.

"I love you too,"

A/n; i have one thing to say about this chapter. Thanks for the trauma mom, love you for it 😀👍

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