Jealousy - Natasha X Reader

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I arrive at the party an hour after everybody else, though some are still only showing up now I was supposed to have been here since the start, but some things came up so I had to push it an hour, and to my luck everybody understood it.
Well Nat had some things to say about it but after around two hours of arguing back and forth about it she backed off.

I walk down the glass stairs and my eyes roam the room searching for anybody familiar. I notice Steve chit chatting with some blonde woman at the bar so I'm staying away from there. I get to the other bar and order a vodka lemon thing and by the time I find Rhodes standing with Pepper and Tony my glass is empty.

"Get her a new one of those!" Tony tells the server walking by us, he takes my glass and walks away.

"Tony I don't need another one, I'm not planning on drinking too much tonight," I tell the man and search for the server to tell them it isn't needed.

"Oh nonsense, you will always need another drink," He tells me as the server returns with my glass. I thank him and in pure reflex take a sip from the glass. "Ah ha! I was right!" Tony exclaims and pats my back.

'Sorry' Pepper mouths at me and I give her a slight smile, we both know Tony's had a rough couple of weeks, so this party probably wasn't the smartest thing to engage in.

My phone buzzes and it's a message from Nat, "By the couches w the others," it reads. I pass the information along to the three I'm with and we decide to join them.

Even from a few feet away I can see Nat having her arm around Wanda, the way her hand is placed sends chills down my spine. "They're cute aren't they?" I jump and look behind me. "They would be a perfect couple,"

"Pietro you ass, what the fuck," I give a little laugh and look back at Natasha and Wanda, "but yeah, they would," I say just letting the pit in my stomach grow.

"I have always wondered why they didn't start dating, I mean with the tension between them and all," He says and puts both hands on my shoulders.

"I suppose they do have some tension," I mumble and tilt my head slightly, "let's join them," I say cheerfully with a smile.

The two of us walk over to the group, I can feel Natasha's eyes on me, but I choose to ignore her, completely. After fifteen minutes I excuse myself and walk up to the balcony furthest away from the group.

I look over the city and take a few much needed breaths of fresh air. I pour the rest of the drink in my hand down my throat and place the glass on a table. Both my hands lean on the railing as I close my eyes and feel the air against my skin, blowing lightly through my hair, resulting in goosebumps on my arms.

"You know that's going to kill you one day right?," a familiar voice asks me, referring to the cigarette I'm holding with my fingers. I hum in response and stay where I am. "You didn't say hello when you came over, why's that?" She asks me and puts a hand on my arm.

"You looked busy, didn't wanna intrude," I respond. Her hand lands on my waist and both her arms wrap around me so her front is pressed to my back. "Don't burn yourself," I mumble.

"Looked busy doing what? Exactly?" She says in a smart tone, with a smirk on her lips, that even though I can't see it I can feel it. I know it's there. "Or did you just see something and thought it was something it wasn't?" She adds.

"That's up for you to decide, because as far as I know, you've got tension, and everybody can see it," I say referring to what Pietro said earlier.

"Is that so?" She whispers against the skin on my neck. "If it was, wouldn't she be the one standing here not you?" She says and press her lips against my neck. I throw the cigarette bud and laugh lightly at her.

"Who says she hasn't been?" I say and I can feel her looking at me.

In one swift motion her hands turn me around and we're standing face to face. "I do, because she hasn't, not with me at least. Besides, I would much rather it be you," She says with a smile.

Her arms wrap around my waist again, pulling me into her. My arms land around her neck and my head resting on her shoulder. I start feeling cold again which she notices by the way I'm shivering. "Let's go back inside," she suggests.

"Or we could just go home" I say quietly and make eye contact with her. Her green eyes looking brighter in the moonlight.

We get back downstairs, and when we reach the floor the others are on her hand let's go of mine. "Guys I'm going to drive her home, and then I'm going home myself. So I'll see you all on Monday," she says and instead of hugging all of them individually she just says bye and we leave.

In the car our fingers are intervened again, "I'm sorry for dropping your hand like that," she says in a calm tone.

"It's okay, really I get it," I say and grab my purse. "And, I can actually put this on again," I smile and put the ring she gave me back on. "I still can't believe you actually gave me a ring," I add and a chuckle escapes her mouth.

"Did he actually say me and Wanda would look good together?" She asks me after ten minutes of silence.

"Who? Pietro? Yeah, it looked like you were too," I laugh and she squeezes my hand. "If you are about to apologize don't, I know that you're just friends, besides, like you said yourself, she would be here not me,"

"Wait, you were jealous weren't you?" She says in realization.

"Shut up," I laugh and lightly hit her arm.

"Hm, I love you Y/n," she says.

"I love you Natasha,"

Lol! Fluff. Anywaysssssss goodnight, I got 18 hour shift Monday and Tuesday combined so imma go to bed now.

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