What mama said - Natasha X Daughter

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Okay just to clarify to everyone, X daughter, means that it is either Natasha or Scarlett's daughter that's been written about, and (I never thought I would have to say this) not about incest. And X reader means relationship, unless else is specified.

Mom - Wanda
Mama - Natasha

Third person POV

Nick Fury and his granddaughter are standing in his office overlooking the new agents who are being trained. Specifically, the agents being trained by his granddaughter's parents. She's always been quite fascinated by it, even though she's only 7. Fury thinks it might be because she gets to watch her parents, and not really the training aspect of it. He doesn't want to ask either of them, as it is forbidden to overlook the training sessions for anyone other than him.

As the training session ends Fury and the little girl walk hand in hand into the gym, both women are standing looking away from them and have not noticed them yet. The agents they're talking to dismisses themselves and the women fall into talk.

"Mama!" The little girl squeals and lets go of Fury's hand to run to them.

The taller redhead picks her up and her arms cling to her neck. The two woman walk out of the training center hand in hand, and Fury stands and look at his daughter in awe that she could find some happiness in the hell that was her life.


7 years later Y/n is 13.

"Come on agents, run!" Agent Romanoff yells at the agents she is training, every few minutes she takes glances up at the window Fury is usually standing in, noticing that it's empty. Weird. She thinks to herself, it's never empty. Wether it's her daughter and Fury standing there, or just Fury.

"Alright guys, take a lap outside around the compound and come back in here to take a break, 20 minutes!" She tells them and they all run outside.

She walks into the smaller private training room next to her and Wanda is in there with Y/n. They're throwing knives at a dummy, and Y/n's are either scraping the dummy or not hitting it at all.

"Come on Y/n, like I showed you," Wanda says and throws a knife dead center into the doll. Natasha claps at her skill and smiles when Wanda notices her.

"Morning to you too," Wanda smiles and pecks Natasha's lips. Y/n makes a gaging sound and Wanda rolls her eyes kissing Natasha again.

Another knife falls to the floor and Y/n groans in disappointment. "Y/n, you have to kill them so they don't suffer, like with the animals," Wanda reminds the girl and Natasha scrunches her face.

"What?" Wanda says, Natasha makes another face signaling that it's nothing, "come on, what?" She giggles and pokes Natasha in the ribs.

She squirms and sits down so she's level with her daughter. "What is it mom?" The girl sasses and raises her brows at her mother.

Natasha glances up at Wanda who knows what she's about to say, "Don't even start Nat," She hisses and grabs her hand dragging her to the changing room leaving their daughter alone.

"Nat, I get that you grew up with that, I did too, but she doesn't need to, she's being taught to kill early enough as it is. She shouldn't learn the inhuman like ways to do it," She snaps and Natasha scoffs at Wandas remark.

"If she's going to be able to kill someone, she can't think about it like it's a fly that lost it's wing," Natasha snaps back.

"Right, I'll tell her it's like a killer whale murdering a seal then, playing with its food till it gets bored," Wanda says angrily and walks out.

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