- Thats bs pt 2 - Natasha X Reader~~

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A/n: Just tagging the people who wanted a part 2 :) @lesbianmfkr @csk282 @shee-sh @tashakink

It's 2 in the afternoon, I'm laying on my bed, reading a book when a knock is on the door. "It's open," I say and somebody opens the door, I glance up from the page I'm on and in walks Natasha and Wanda, "Yup, I'll leave yall to it, boxes are in the corner your shit is where ever you have put it throughout the years," I let Natasha know and walk towards the door, "Y/n, please, just hear her out," Wanda pleads, I give off a little laugh and keep walking. "In ya dreams," I laugh and walk out my door and towards Tony's garage in the basement. 

I reach the basement and go to the black Audi in the back, I took the keys from him last night knowing Pepper would drive them both home, and I get in the car and drive to their house. 

"Tony!" I yell while pounding at the door, "Tony! You idiot, open the door for god sake," I yell as he opens the door, "Y/n! what the hell" he says, I don't answer him and push past him getting inside, I start walking down the stairs to his lab with him following close behind me, "Y/n, you can't just walk into my lab," he says to me, I take his car keys out of my pocket and drop them on the table next to me, he glares at me and I drop down in a chair. 

"Y/n, you okay?" he asks me, I look at him and a tear starts forming in my eye, my lip starts to quiver and he walks over and hugs me, "let me get Pepper, she's better at this than I am," he tells me and I laugh at him knowing its true, he quickly runs up the stairs and soon after he's running back down with Pepper following behind him. 

I have now full-blown started to sob and she walks over and just hugs me, I sob into her shirt and she runs her hand up and down my back, I glance over at Tony and he's just standing there awkwardly waiting to get back to his suits. "I'm sorry that I'm so difficult" I apologize, Pepper pulls away from me and holds my head in her hands, "honey, you aren't difficult at all, we are happy to help you," she tells me, I smile through my tears and hug her one more time, "it's just all this with Natasha like I really do love her, but I just don't know if I can trust her when she just runs off," I tell her as Tony's phone rings. 

He comes back down after a good 10 minutes and looks at me, "just tell me," I say to him, "It was Rogers," He starts, I roll my eyes and stand up, "He just wanted to let you know that he won't be at the compound tonight so you're in charge," He follows up, I look at him in confusion as realization slowly hits me. I run out of the lab and back to Tony's car forgetting to grab the keys, "Jarvis, start the car please," I tell the A.I, "Miss, I'm going to need the password," He tells me, "Uh, of course, Cheeseburgersrock1974," I tell him and he starts the car. 

Before I know it I'm standing in front of the compound and running through the front door. I get to the living room on the main floor and Wanda is sitting there with Vision and Sam, "Y/n, you okay?" Sam asks me, I look over at him and take a breath, "Yeah, Wanda, where is Nat?" I ask her, shifting my focus from Sam to her, "I think she's in her room, I don't know, why?" She asks me making a face at me, "She's going out with Steve tonight, which if I must say is a dick move on his part," I tell her and take another breath, "How do you know that?" Sam chimes in, "I was sitting in Tony's lab at his house when Steve called him, and then Tony came back and told me that Steve wasn't here tonight so I would be in charge and I know he has been wanting to go out with her for years but I got her first so it never happened so now he has asked her and rubbed it in my face a day after I told her to get her ass out of my bedroom which if I must say is pretty quickly but if it's up to me I'm gonna be petty and convince her not to. Wow, I said that fast," I ramble, Sam just looks at me as does Wanda, and Vision is just buried in his newspaper. 

"Dick move," Sam mumbles, I nod at him and look back at Wanda, she sighs and glances at me, "She's in your room, I started to help her pack but she didn't let me so I went down here," She tells me, and I can't help but feel a little bad, "when was that?" I ask her, normally it would take her around 20 minutes to pack up her stuff completely but with the feelings, she hopefully has in this, it will take her longer, "4 hours ago," Vision says without even looking away from the paper in his hands.

"Thank you," I thank him and run to the elevator spamming the button for our floor in there hoping it would close the door faster. Ding. I run out the door and towards my door. 

Even though I know it's my room I still hesitate to open the door, I can hear soft sobs on the other side and a manly voice, damnit, I open it and walk in, "Steve," I mumble, they both look at me, he is standing with his hands cupping her face, looking into her eyes while tears are spilling, my room is filled with boxes, and she isn't saying a thing, "Steve, get out," I say counting to ten in my head to keep myself calm, "No, she needs me," He says and grabs onto her hand, "I'm serious, get out" I demand, he does as I say and push past me, I close the door behind him and lock eyes with her.

"Y/n, I;" She starts but chokes on her words, "No, let me go first," I tell her and walk over to her, standing where he stood, "This is not going to work, we are not going to work if you keep up with the secrets, and I know Steve asked you out which to me is weird considering you don't even like guys, but if that's what you wanna do then go ahead, I just need you to know that you still have a really big place in my heart," I tell her and she sniffles, "What time is it?" She asks me, I look over at the clock on my wall and back at her, "10 Pm, why?" I ask her back, "I have a plane that's leaving in 3 hours so I have to go to the airport," She says and looks to the ground, I take a step away from her and look at her in disbelief. 

"So that's what you're doing with Steve? For god sakes Natasha, first, you don't have the guts to tell me what the fuck is going on and why you snuck off, and then you go and come back which I was glad you did, then I come here ready to work shit out and I find out you're not the person you say you are and not even that, you're going out with Steve who I have from the beginning warned you about might want to ruin our relationship but you just say Fuck you Y/n you can kiss my ass, I'm just gonna go sleep with Steve and ruin our relationship, but yk have a nice day," I yell at her, she walks over to me and gently grab my chin with her hand, "It's my sister, but I'm going to cancel, I'm going to tell her that I have something more important to do which I do, which also was where I went when I left, and Steve only knew because he pressured me into telling him, and about Steve, I have never and will never sleep with him, I promise you" She keeps going, I shake my head in disbelief and softly places a kiss on her cheek.

"I relapsed when you left, I fell down the rapid hole, and then you came back and I turned upside down, and this is ruining me, and of course, you should go help your sister, you just have to be ready, because if you leave, I am gone, I'm gonna move to one of the European departments and not come back, and this is not to place you in some kind of ultimatum, I just need to know if you are up for this, if you are up for a relationship, with me," I warned with a snicker of regret in what I had just said, but it's the truth if she leaves as will I. 

"I'm not going to leave you, I'm sorry," She whispers and places a soft kiss on my lips, I kiss her back and place my forehead against hers, "but this isn't going to work, I can't do it," I hesitate to say the words but I do, and the moment I do I walk out, not letting her get a word in, not letting her be apart of the conversation, but family is more important, though I don't have a family, she became my family, and I have lost family before and I know she has too, so this time I chose to lose mine so she can gain hers. 

I walk down the hall and head towards the elevator to get to Fury's office. 

I'm sorry. 

A/N: I know this isn't the ending you where wanting but yk it's me, what did you expect? Anyways, I am publishing the first Miss Johansson chapter this weekend, I just need to get some last editing in, and then were there :) Take care, love you <3

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