- "Marry her," Natasha X Daughter

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A/n: this is sad. It's matches my mood, enjoy :)

The door opens behind me and mom walks in, she looks at me confused and sits down beside me in silence. "Nick?" She says to the man sitting in front of us.

"Y/n, this is your conversation, I'm simply here to justify your decision," he says and leans back in his chair, "right," I clear my throat and look at my mom.

"I have gotten permission to join you guys on the mission you will be going on and I just wanted to tell you before the others get the heads up," I tell her and look down at my hands.

"Romanoff?" Fury says to get her to say something, "absolutely not, I will it allow it, you're under the age of 18 so you need parental consent and I'm not going to sign it," she is furious with me, "this isn't me asking for permission, this is me letting you know," I say and look at her.

"Who signed off on this?" She asks Fury completely ignoring my statement, "Stark did, as the leader of your team it's in his hands, not yours," Fury tells her and she storms out, "could've gone worse," I shrug and stand, "thanks though," I add and walk out.

On the mission

"Romanoff let's go!" Tony yells after me, we have to go back, "Give me a second," I yell at him through my earpiece, "Y/n! Now!" Mom yells, "Where is Wanda?" I ask them, I look over at them and can even from afar see them both look around concerned, "Thought so, mom, find your girlfriend and then get me," I demand.

She runs out of the jet and starts searching around for her, I keep bandaging up the agent bleeding in front of me, he is the enemy but he is no older than me.

"I got Wanda!" Mom informs us and I can see her carrying Wanda to the jet.

"Y/n! Get back here!" Mom yells after me.

"No, I; He's 16 mom," I yelp and look at him, "Go," he whispers, "no, I cannot leave you," I tell him, he gives me a slight smile, "they're going to kill you," he mumbles, "I'm sorry," I get ready to make a run for it.

I start running towards the jet and tell them to begin flying but low so I can jump on. I sprint towards the jet, Tony reaches his arm out for me to grab and as they reach the edge of the runway I jump and grab onto him, he pulls me up and lay me flat on the floor.

Mom rushes over to me visibly mad, "what the hell where you thinking?" She asks me furious, I look up at her and start to choke on something, "Y/n?" Steve says, I look at mom and she grabs me.

She turns me so I'm laying on my side and blood starts spilling on the floor, that son of a bitch, tears start running down my cheeks and the others gather around me.

"Y/n, Y/n come on you're okay, you're okay," mom cries, I look over at Wanda, she's crying too.

"Mom," I whisper, she leans in close to me and our faces are inches apart, "yes honey, I'm right here," she says, a tear falls on my face, "you're gonna be fine you hear me, you're gonna be fine," she insists and put her hand at the side of my face.

"Marry her," I mumble.

"what?" She kisses my forehead.

"Promise me, promise me you're going to marry her," I demand, "okay, okay I promise," She assures me, I look around at the others, who are also crying.

"Don't close your eyes okay? Stay with me, stay awake," Tony says and sit next to my mother.

"I'm sorry mama,"

"Y/n? Y/n no, no no no no no, honey wake up, honey wake up please, open your eyes please, please, I'm begging you to open your eyes,"


"No, no it's not true,"

"Nat, she's gone,"

"No, not yet, not before me, not before any of us, she deserve to live, she hasn't lived, come back to me honey, please,"

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