Natasha X Daughter

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"Here" I say and hand Wanda a bag of chips, all of us are hanging out in the living room talking about all sorts of stuff, and they are asking all sorts of questions, to both me and Wanda about our childhoods even though we are totally different. I sit down on one of the couches next to Thor and lean against him, me and him are sharing a bowl of popcorn and a packet of pop tarts, some of the others have tried to take it but Thor didn't have it, I gave a pop tart to Wanda considering she is new but nobody else got one.

"So Y/N, the most scared you have ever been as a child? When? And why?" Stark asks me, and start laughing. I munch down the last of the popcorn I have in my hand and sit up to start to explain it, I glance at my mom and start giggling a little. "Well, when I was 11, I was training with my mom, everything went great until she wanted me to start running;" Clint started laughing probably cause he remembers it, "Barton what are you laughing for?" Sam asks him, he doesn't get time to respond as I keep speaking.

"well, for the few of you who have been to Clint's farm you know that there is no shade other than the tree standing in the middle of nowhere, so she told me to start running in 36 degrees Celsius in the baking sun, while she stood with a cup of lemonade in the shade, so at first I of course said no, which was my first mistake, she then told me that if I wanted to start training for real I shouldn't complain, so I started running. Her plan was that as we always did when she yelled for me I would turn around and run back, when she called for me, I kept running which sent her running after me, she kept yelling and yelling and I ran into the forest, now the thing that makes it easier for an 11 year old when running through a forest is the size, I was small I ran through small holes and so on. When she finally caught up to me on the other side of the forest she jumped into me and I fell onto the ground, I was panting and panting and I eventually started crying;" Clint was laughing even harder now remembering the whole thing.

"When Natasha dragged her back to the house me and Lila was standing outside shooting my bow by the tree in the shade, and they where quite far away from us but I could see how angry Nat was, also how tired Y/N was from running, cause her legs eventually gave out, considering that there is a limit for how much a little girl can run through fields and forest being chased by her Russian assassin mother, so Nat picked her up and carried her back. She placed her on a chair and Laura got her a glass of water, and then she started screaming in rage about how unfair it was; Now Y/N you gotta take the rest of the story cause this is the best part" Clint said and all their eyes turned to me, I look at my mom again and she smirked knowing what the last part of the story is.

"Well, mom stood me up in front of her, and grabbed my arms and started telling me how stupid it was to just you know run, and little 11 year old Y/N was so mad and confused that I tit slapped her, and in the moment I looked at her I knew that I was grounded course I knew, so I just took my glass of water and walked inside, showered, helped Laura making dinner, ate and went straight to bed. I don't think I have been more terrified than that day, I don't think I've run as much since then but god I scared the shit out of myself that day holy crap"

Most of them sitting quiet in shock, mom was laughing, Thor was eating and Wanda also started laughing, "you really, tit slapped the Natasha Romanoff, and didn't die?" Steve said in pure disbelief, "yes, she couldn't really kill me, I think she though about it, especially after making her chase after me, but Fury wouldn't have let her, he loves me too much" I say sarcastically and bat my eyelashes making the other laugh. "I almost killed you, I sure almost did, and I sprained my ankle running through that forest;" mom point out, I didn't know that.

"Anyways, I am gonna go to bed, I have a long day tomorrow" Mom announces and stand up, she puts her cup in the kitchen sink and walk over to Wanda and say something to her, Wanda nod and mom leaves, around 10 minutes later the rest of us start cleaning up and Wanda is no where to be found;

A/N: Im sorry for not updating, my plan was to do it today but a b!tch in my class closed my computer and the chapter didn't save, so thank her for that not me. Anyways enjoy love y'all, eat, sleep and stay safe.<3

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