- thats bs - Natasha X Reader

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"I love you Y/n." She says as I kiss her temple, I flip the page in my book and she slowly closes her eyes and tries to fall asleep, her breathing calms down, and her body is resting, "I love you too," I say and keeps reading, her body moves a little as she sleeps and she slowly begins to get cold, its what her body always does when she sleeps or calms down a lot, I grab my phone and text Wanda.

Y/n: Can you come to our floor and to the lounge please,?

Wanda: Yeah sure, on my way.

"Hey I'm her-" she shouts and walks towards us on the couch, I shush her and point down at Nat sleeping on my chest, and she apologizes, "Sorry, what's up?" she whispers, "Can you give me that blanket please?" I ask her, she giggles and nods while giving me the blanket, "thank you," I whisper back and she sits down on the couch across from us, I put the blanket on top of the two of us and put down my book on the coffee table, and start stroking her hair.


That night we fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up she was gone, I searched the whole compound and looked at all the mission files in her room to see where she could've gone, I asked around and even went down to the shield headquarters and asked Fury about it, he didn't know either. I called and texted her for weeks, cried, screamed, and spent hours every day in either the gym or out on small single-person missions, it got really bad when I started spending more time being drunk, high, and awake than sleeping.

I first realized how bad it was when Fury called me in for a meeting and told me that if I kept going I would be removed from the Avengers team, and would be moved back to my home state, which made me drink some more. Wanda got a hold of me once before I opened a bottle of whatever I could find, "Y/n," she said sighing, "Wanda, just leave me be, please," I begged her and took a sip of the bottle, "pass it to me, and then let's talk," she said and walked over to me, and I passed it to her, "let's go outside then," we walked out the door to the balcony on our floor and we sat down on a chair each passing the bottle back and fourth.

"You know, when you just came here after Ultron, I actually fell for you before me and Nat even started having meaningful conversations," I laughed to her and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, "lighter," I followed up with, "what, you did?" she said confused and passed me her lighter, I did what I had to with it and passed it back to her along with a cigarette. "Yeah, I did, but you and Vis obviously had something going, I mean he did save your life while the rest forgot you, and I didn't wanna ruin that," I said to her and we got eye contact, she looked down and smiled, "well thank you for that Y/n," I shot up as did Wanda, "hey Vis, nearly gave me a heart attack, but you're welcome," I smiled at him, he smiled back and sat down on a chair.

We were now 3 people sitting down and talking, laughing, and drinking (even though Vis won't get drunk,) we also smoked a lot more cigarettes than we anticipated, but it was the first time I've had fun in a long time, Tony, Pepper, Steve, Thor, and Clint eventually joined us, with more booze as well, but I decided to keep the drinking down, at least for that night. As the clock hits midnight every avenger who was at the compound that day was sitting outside, "imagine how Nat is gonna react when she finds out about this," everybody laughed at Bucks dumb remark, it's not his fault, he didn't know that she was the reason we sat out here to begin with, "yeah, just don't tell Nat and it's gonna be good," Steve laughed.

"Don't tell Nat what?" A voice from the door said, we all whipped our heads around and there she was, my redhead standing in the doorway. "Nothing," I say and turn back around, "Nat, where have you been?" Clint asks her, "Had some business so take care off" she says, I scoff, "guys, go back inside," Tony says and the rest scatter back into the compound.

"What's your problem?" She asks me, "nothing," I take a sip of the beer in my hand, "Tony, you can go back inside," I tell him, he shakes his head no, "cant do that, somebody has to stop yall if it ends with a cat fight-" "or worse," I interrupt him.

"Y/n, can we just talk, please," she says to me, "where did you go?" I ask her, "that's not important I just- I had things to do," asshole, "right, I'm going to bed," I say and stand up, "Y/n," Tony pleads, "no, I'm tired I'm going to bed." I stand my ground, I get to the door and she stops me, "Y/n, please,"

"Not gonna happen so don't even try," I tell her, "fine, I was on a mission, Fury send me on it," she says, I know just as well as she does that it's a lie, "bullshit, I talked to Fury he had no idea where you were," I say annoyed, "it was a classified mission," she thinks I'm stupid.

"Nuh uh, you don't get to play the classified card with me. First, I got Wanda to check if he lied or not. Guess what? He didn't lie. Second, we tell each other everything, I told you about the mission in France even though I was told specifically not to." I scream at her, Tony took a step closer to me, and Nats eyes get glossy, "Y/n- I," she can't finish her sentence, I won't allow it, "no, I don't care, get your crap out my room tomorrow, and I swear to god, do not expect for me to cover your ass from now on," I don't let her answer, or get her reaction, because before I know it I'm laying under the sheets to my bed, dosing off to sleep.

Y'all, bear with me, this was written while I was on a plane. I will get more out to you guys, in some of my other stories as well, which reminds me I have A LOT planned for the next time being, all from new chapters of this book, to whole new stories.

Take care, love y'all<3

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