- Always - Natasha X Daughter

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Mom - Natasha
Mama - Wanda

"Mom, when you get back from whatever mission you have today, I need to talk to you," I announce as I walk into her office, "honey, I don't have any missions today," she smiles and looks up at me, "oh, well later then," I say to her and walk over beside her, "what're you doing?" I ask her, "just some reports n such," she replies and returns to her papers.

"Boring," I say and sit down on the couch in her office, she seems unfazed by the fact that I'm just sitting in here, normally she would've bugged me till I told her about what I needed to talk to her about, "hey, you know that girl from my training group?" I ask her and lay down with my back against the couch and my feet slouched over the arm rest, "who?" She asks me.

"Marisa? Marisa Elise Phillips?" I say thinking she would catch on, "still have no idea who you're talking about," she glances up at me, "the girl almost stabbed me in training the other day? Who you say is terrible with both knives and guns?" I say, she makes that typical 'ahhh' sound that adults make when you say something and they get what you're talking about.

"Well about her, she actually got pregnant, by one of the other guys in my class, and neither of them got suspended, but the girls father tried to kill the guy, who's father had to step in and almost got put in jail, and Fury is now mad that none of the rest of us told him about them, even though none of us knew a thing," I ramble, gaining a simple mhm in response, "if you want me to leave I won't mind go annoying Mama instead," I suggest, giving her the opportunity to get her work done, "no, you don't have to do that, I love having you in here, and I love you and your little rambles, they're cute, plus your mama has a lot on her hands right now," she says and puts her pen down.

"Right, okay, back to Fury being mad. So yesterday he walked into class while we where in the middle of a test and he started yelling at us all about;"

The next two hours consisted of me just rambling about what had happened to anyone or anything near me, I kinda forgot about what I wanted to talk to her about, until we reached after dinner and almost bedtime for me.

I take a deep breath and walk over to my parents bedroom door and knock on it, "come on in," mama says, I open the door and walk in closing it behind me, "hey honey, sit," she pays the bed, "where's mom I ask her sitting down crossing my legs in front of me, "in the bathroom she'll be out in a moment," she tells me, keeping her eyes in her book.

I do as I did earlier and lay down on my back across the bed in the foot of the bed, I lay there for around 5 minutes the only sound coming from her turning a page every 20 seconds. "how was your day? Mom said you had a lot on your plate," I ask her breaking the silence, she closes her book and looks at me, "well, I just had some thing's to deal with," she says, I scrunch my face and look at her, "what things?" I ask her, she shakes her head and laughs.

Right before she gets to respond the bathroom door opens and mom walks out, "oh, hey honey," she says a little surprised I'm not in bed, "I was going to come and say goodnight to you," she says and begins taking off her jewelry, "yeah, but I had something I needed to talk to you about remember?" I ask her, "oh yeah, when you came to my office this morning?" She says, "exactly," I say, my silence makes them both look at me, "well, I- uh, gosh I didn't think it would be this hard to say out loud," I say and place my hands on my face.

The tension in the room is slowly building up, and I can feel the concern fuming out of the both of them, "honey, believe it or not, you're starting to scare me a little," mama says, I turn my head to look at her and a small tear slips down my cheek, "aw, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asks concerned and mom walks over to me and wipes my cheek.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Mom asks, making me laugh, "no mom, I'm not pregnant, besides, it's not even possible for me to get pregnant," I say, they both look at me, "why not?" Mama asks me, "well for one, I don't want kids, and second I would never have sex with a man anyway, so that solves that problem," I shrug my shoulders not thinking through what I just said.

"So, you wouldn't get in a relationship with a man or boy either?" Mom follows up, "no, ew," I say and makes an expression, the two of them share a look and I look confused between the both of them.

Realizing what I just did I sit up and put my hand on my mouth, "holy shit I did not just do that," I say. Mom sits down in her side of the bed and makes space in between the two of them, "come here," she lays the space between them and I hesitantly move over in between them sitting underneath the covers.

"Now I'm not assuming anything, I'm just asking," mama says and I look at her giving her that 'keep speaking' expression, "so, you don't want to date anyone of the opposite gender, and you don't want to have sex with them either," she says I nod slowly and turn to look at mom, "are you gay?" Mom follows up with, I take a deep breath and look away from her, "maybe, I guess, I don't know," I say, "and that's totally okay, do you know how many men I dated before I met Wanda?" Mom asks me, to that question I could've said 'at least one' but I didn't, I know she didn't have me by choice, and that my father is a man we don't speak about.

"No, but I would," mama says making me laugh, "tomorrow love," mom sassy and kiss her, "ew" I make an expression and cuddle up more comfortably between them, "can I just sleep in here?" I ask them. The both of them nod, "We love you Y/n, and we always will, no matter who you love, no matter what you look like, even if you where a snowman we would love you," mom says and kisses the top of my head, "always," mama follows up with.

"I love you guys too," I say as they turn off their nightlights.


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