Homophobic bitch - Scarlett X Daughter -

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TW: Homophobia

Mom/mother - Scarlett

Mama - Lizzie

2 days ago.

My moms and I are in the city walking around looking at clothes and just having fun, they are obviously holding hands and I'm walking a few feet in front of them. When someone yells I automatically look after the person who yelled, it's a grown old man and he is looking in the direction of my moms. 

"Y/n come over here," Mom says and reaches her hand out for me, I stop and they walk up to me and I grab onto her hand, "What's his problem?" Mama adds and looks at both of us and glares back at him. 

"Hey f@gs, come here," He yells, I know it's after us now, that's for sure, I look back at him again and I can only see his eyes simply because of the stupid but necessary mask he is wearing which is probably why he can't see who he is talking too. 

"Y/n, come here, would you keep walking please, we do not need to be involved in that," Mom hushes after me, I shake my head and let go of her hand walking towards him. 

"Hey!" I yell after him gaining the attention of the people around us, "Come on, you scared, can't defend yourself towards a 16-year-old?" I taunt him, his eyes turn mad and he walks up to me standing right in front of me. 

"What did you say?" He asks me. 

"I said, are you scared to stand up to a little girl?" I laugh at him repeating myself. 

"Y/n, let's go!" My mom yells after me, the man's eyes widen and he looks at my moms and then back at me, I make eye contact with him and smirk under my mask, which you can clearly see in my eyes, "Y/n Amelia Johansson, let's go!" She repeats, I admit my spine stiffened for a second when she yelled my full name but I gotta do what I gotta do defending both my mother's and my own sexuality. 

"Yeah little girl, listen to your mother," He laughs, "I have a daughter your age and she would never treat her mother like that," He adds, "You son of a bitch, you don't get to say shit, I bet even your wife hates fucking you," I say and turn to walk back to my moms. 

"You bitches," He says and spits after my moms, I turn back at him and clench my fist, "Y/n, stop it, let's just go home," Mom pleads, and before I even think I'm throwing my fist at his face landing him on the ground with a bleeding nose, "Homophobic bitch," I tell him and my mom drags me out of there, "I'll fuck your daughter if I have to," I yell back as my mom pushes me into the car and close my car door. 


"I know, I know that was stupid, I'm sorry," I interrupt and she turns to look at me, "I just wanna thank you, thank you for standing up for us and what you believe in," Mama says and grab my hand. 

"You do know that Jimmy is going to bring it up at his tonight show in two days right?" Mom asks me making me laugh. 

"Yeah, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," I chuckle, mama turns back to look out the front but still holding my hand. 

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it," Mama corrects me, "Sure, we will cross it," I repeat. 


"So Y/n, what happened two days ago?" Jimmy asks me, I giggle and look down at my hands before looking back up at him. 

"Well, I punched a homophobe, and told him I would have sex with his 16-year-old daughter, which I do wanna apologize for, so if you whoever you are, is watching this, I'm sorry," I say and look into the camera. 

The people in the audience cheer when I say that I punched a homophobe even though most of them probably already saw the video. 

"Can you go into more detail?" He requests, out of respect look over at my moms to get their approval to tell the details of what happened, "Yeah, well what happened was we were walking down the streets as one does and a guy yelled after us, in the beginning, we all ignored him and kept walking until he yelled the F word after us so I turned around and mocked him, which probably wasn't the smartest idea but you know, I did what I had to," I start moving my hands now and again. 

"He started disrespecting me which I can take which I didn't really mind and I said things back, when he started saying stuff about my moms I- Well I turned around and thanks to my martial arts abilities I punched him in the face, and got dragged into a car and then we went home, had tea, ordered dinner and ate ice cream while watching a movie," I laugh and shrug at my own stupidity. 

"So you guys weren't mad?" He asks both my parents. 

"No, we were proud, as Lizzie said in the car we were and still are both very proud that Y/n knew how to stand up for what she believes in, and that she knew how to stand up for herself. Now was punching the guy the right answer? Definitely not. Will she get a lecture? Also no," Mom explains and places a hand on my shoulder giving it a little squeeze. 

"We love our girl, and we always will, even when she goes around punching homophobes," Mama adds. 

"Thank you," I say and smile at them both. 

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