-My girlfriends bestfriend-

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Warnings: smut, curse words, blood, tiny tiny tiny bit of abuse, bondage, cheating.


"Lex, will you just listen to me. I am trying to reason with you here" You told your wife hoping to reason with her, but she didn't budge. "No you aren't, you just want me to quit my job" She said trying to make you the villain, "Oh come on, I'm not" You said defending yourself. "Fine, I'll get us a therapist" you suggested hoping she would see it as an opportunity to be better together "WHAT? you want us to go to therapy, how about trying it out yourself before dragging my ass into it? " that response shocked her and you.

"FINE THEN, No therapy. But if this relationship goes down the drain it is on you" you yelled at her while pointing, she then proceeded to call you a bitch and walk up to your bedroom. You moved to the kitchen and started washing the dirty dishes in the sink when someone knocked on the door, Natasha. "Come in" you told the woman on the other door, who let herself in. "Lexie is upstairs" you told her, "I know, she called me" great, just great. Out of frustration you accidentally smashed one of the glasses and cut your hand open.

"Damn it" you yelled frustrated, "Hey, hey" she said trying to calm you, and walked over next to you and grabbed the big piece of glass you where still holding, she put it on the counter top and lead you over to the barstools by the other side of the counters. "Do you have a first aid kit? " she asked "the closet under the stairs" you pointed towards the closet, which she walked over to, opened and grabbed the red box out of there. She placed it on the counter next to you and grabbed a needle with thread. You had that in there because last time you went to the ER you had to wait for 5 hours to get sewn up, and you had been taught how to sew yourself up from a young age.

You grabbed the needle out of her hand yeti sew it up yourself. "You can't sew it up yourself you know that right? " you where about to respond when you heard the sobs of your sad girlfriend, Natasha looked up towards the stairs and looked sad, "go check on her, I'll fix this" she put the needle in the table and walked upstairs. You loved the kindness she showed others especially people who actually have screwed her over in the past. Like you for example, back in the day around 6 years ago when you just met her, you, Lex and her went to a bar, gay bar to be specific and started drinking and so on. After being there for around four hours you kinda lost Natasha, you didn't care and Lex was way to drunk to acknowledge that she wasn't there. You cared so little that you grabbed lex and walked her out the bar to get a taxi, she asked about Natasha and you just brushed it off.

The day after she had called Lex a thousand times and blamed everything on you they had a falling out over that fight but became friends shortly after again. You never told Lex about it, neither did Natasha. Another thing you love about her is her compassion for her work, and the way she is always honest and god her eyes, her emerald green eyes they are perfect. God stop it Y/N you have a girlfriend. Bringing the needle to the wound in your hand and sewing it up, something smashed upstairs a scream and someone jolting down the stairs. The door slammed and a car left the driveway, Natasha came down the stairs grunting and moaning in pain.

A tear slipped down her cheek as she placed herself on a chair opposite you, looking at her face blood moving down her cheek from her forehead mixing with the tear and splashing on the table, still sewing your hand together, blood falling on the table, and blood on the floor by the sink as well, you looked at her in awe and studied her facial expressions not noticing her looking at you, "why are you looking at me like that? " she laughed a little as she grabbed a paper and placed it in her head wound, "idk, I guess I like your eyes they're really pretty" you said tying a not on the thread and cutting a new piece to sew her head up.

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