- Highschool party - Scarlett X Daughter

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Tw: because someone start b!tch!ing about there not being one last time even though my whole book has multiple. Alcohol, group pressure, mentioning of vomit.

"Y/n, come one, Alice is here," mom yells after me, I'm up in my room getting ready for the party Tyler is throwing in 15 minutes, mom only let me go if I rode with someone and I was home at 1  at the latest. "One second," I yell back applying the last bit of mascara, "Y/n come one bitch!" Alice yells after me, I grab my bag and my jacket then start running down the stairs.

"Heyyyy," I say to Alice and hug her, "mom, I love you, I will text you when we get there and when we drive home," I say to my mom who hugs me and kisses the top of my head, "stay safe, both of you,"she says to the both of us right before we run out the door to Alice's car.

"Wow, your dad finally let you drive his car?" I laugh at her, "as if, he and my mom is out of town and they took her car, so I just, borrowed his" she laugh, "you stole it you mean?" I  chuckle at her, "shut up, we're here," she pulled onto the front lawn and we both got out the car.

"Hey, Alice." A boy and what I assume is some of his friends walked over to us, "and who is your fine friend here?" another boy asked her,"well, this is Y/n, she needs to be drunk tonight so please, don't hold back," she said and locked arms with the boy, I give a nervous laugh and follow behind them.


"Come on Y/n, drink it," Alice yell at me, I can barely hear her over the loud music and other people laughing and talking, we're doing a drinking game and I'm up against one of the boys, we have to empty a mixture of half vodka half soda of our choice, it's around 750ml, which is more alcohol than I think I've ever drank in a night.

As I empty the bottle Alice and other cheer at me, the boy just angrily places his bottle on the table in front of him. "You're a badass Y/n," Alice says and throws her arms around my neck to hug me, "and you're the bestest friend in the world," she follows up, I smile at her and laugh at her drunken state, "well, if little Y/n, is so badass, I bet she can't drink half of the islay single malt scotch whiskey in Tyler's dads office, in under 35 seconds" the others laugh at his suggestion thinking he is joking, and so do I.

"Ty! Go get that whiskey in your dads office," he yells after Tyler who abides to his request. Soon after Tyler returns with bottle in hand and a stopwatch, I gulp and turn around to look at Alice who is nowhere to be found, Tyler gives the bottle to the boy who's name I found out is Jackson, who places it on the table in front of me and then unscrewing the cap.

"Jack, she can't drink that, she basically an alcohol virgin and it has like 60% in it" someone else points out, I take a deep breath hoping it's gonna stop Jackson from what he's trying to force me into doing. "Look, im not gonna drink it either way so," I say and shrug my shoulders. He walks over next to me and leans in close, "if you don't, I'm going to tell the whole school who you're related to," he whispers, yet again I gulp and turn my eyes to the bottle, "right, how long did you say I have?" I ask him, "35 seconds," he answers, "right, and if I loose?" I ask hoping for the best, "if you don't drink the 350ml you have to, you have to empty the rest of the bottle, and snort the thing I have in my jacket," he says, I look around again searching for my bestfriend, who is not here.

"And if I win?" I ask,  "if you win, I will drink the rest, and smoke a mixture of weed and the stuff in my jacket," he says. I don't believe he thinks I'm gonna win.


"And time" Tyler yells, I remove the bottle from my mouth and it's nearly at half empty, but not half empty, Jackson begins to make his disgusting laugh and put his hand into his jacket pocket getting out a small plastic bag and a credit card. "Right Princess, Stadt drinking," he laughs again, I begin emptying the bottle, and some run down onto my dress.

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