-Im sorry- pt 2 Natasha Romanoff

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Natasha pov

Me and the others have finally finished the mission. We have been out there for 14 hours, way longer than normal. I looked over at Steve, he is one his phone, he keeps looking at me. Someone is looking in my head, I can feel it, 'Wanda, get out of my head' I think giving her the message. "Sorry," she apologized and sat down next to me, I look back over at Steve. "He looks worried," Wanda leaned over, I just nodded. He put his phone in his pocket and walked out to the pilot.

On the rest of the flight home, most of them started closing their eyes and dozed off.  "Everyone, wake up. We are 15 minutes out" Steve came barging back from the cockpit. He started giving us the talk he gives us every time after a mission, about reports, training, and who's needed where  by whom. "Romanoff, Fury needs to see you when we get back," he said and I nodded, "I need to shower and say hi to Y/N first, but okay" the look on his face changed, "he needs to see you immediately".

We landed on the roof and all got out, Fury was standing there waiting for us. "Romanoff, Rogers, come with me" we both followed him to his office and sat down in front of his desk. He looked at me and his face expression changed, he didn't look cold like he always does, he looks sad. They both looked at me and then each other, exchanging looks and then look back at me.

"Okay, what's wrong with you two, you keep looking at me" They looked at me sadness filling their faces, "Nick, what wrong?" He sighed and opened his mouth to speak, "it's Y/N" I went all serious and confused "what?" He spoke again "This morning, right after you left, 2 agents found her on the roof" my heart started beating faster "but she's okay right?" Steve grabbed onto my hand "When they found her, she," he stopped speaking "she what? Come on," "she had a glass bottle in her hand and an empty bottle of pills laying next to her," a tear fell down my cheek, "they found her in time right? " I looked back and forth between both of them.

"She took, 67 of Banner's pills, that calm him when he turns green," he kept on speaking, but everything went silent, I could just see his mouth moving. "Uh, where is she now" I interrupted him "they are putting her on a plane back to her hometown, and notifying the rest of the team so they can say their goodbyes" I stood up and they both looked at me, "Nat, sit down" Steve told me "I uh I gotta go" I ran out of there and towards the roof.

When I got to the elevator Loki was there, he didn't say a word but did look at me. The elevator went up and we stood in silence. When the elevator stopped where I though Loki would get off the elevator, he didn't, he stood still. As the doors closed again the elevator started going again, when we hit the roof, he let me go out first and he walked after me.

I walked over to the edge and sat down on my knees, I can feel him behind me. "Loki, what are you doing here? " I asked him, tears silently falling down my cheeks. He didn't say anything, he walked over and stood beside me. The 2 of us just stayed there for 5 minutes in pure silence when he sat down and put his hand on my shoulder, I moved away a little and stood up, which he did too.

"you know I don't like you, right?" He didn't say anything, he reached into his pocket and took out my phone, how did he get that? He grabbed onto my hand a placed the phone in my hand. "She left you a message, I'm going to stay here for you but I'm not going to listen in on it" he said and back away to the elevator and just stood there, silently. I opened the phone and clicked on the message.

Hey Tasha, I'm sorry about what I'm about to do, but I can't live like this anymore. I'm so tired, and I know you tried and I appreciate every single moment I've had with you. All the way back to when I met you in the red room, we were sparing partners back then. We drove each other crazy, we still do sometimes..... When they find me, I'll be dead and I know I promised you I wouldn't do this, and I promised that we would have kids and get married when we were ready. But that didn't happen and I'm sorry. In my old bedroom in the closet under one of the floorboards there is a metal box, in the metal box there is a paper giving you my shares of the company and all the money I have and will inherit over the years. Just show a lawyer the papers and talk with my parents they will work it out..... Im sorry love, that I couldn't be what you needed, but I will love you till the end of time.

I turned the phone off and put it in my pocket. I walked over to the elevator when Loki stopped me. I looked up at him and his stone face turned into sadness.

Loki POV

I went over to Natasha and she looked up at me, the sadness took over my face and she looked away from me and looked at the sunset rising over New York. Her face expression went from stone to sadness and her lower lip started to quiver and her jaw then clenched, she tried chocking down the sadness.

I opened my arms and wrapped them around her, "Loki, let go of me, if I need a hug I'm gonna go get it from-" she stopped herself from speaking, Natasha isn't a hugging type of person. The only person she would hug was Y/N, and she isn't here. So she let it happen, she wrapped her arms around me but still chocked down the sadness.

We stood here for 10 minutes and her body started to shake, when the sadness hit her, she let the small sobs leave her body and the tears rolling down her cheeks. I heard the elevator ding and Rogers walked out, he looked at us with a weird expression on his face. Wether it was me or Natasha crying that made it, it doesn't matter.

He walked over and tried to take her and let her hug him, but she refused. He kept trying when her legs almost gave out, I grabbed onto her a little tighter, when her whole body collapsed and she started crying in my arms. I sat down with her and just let her be in the moment. My mother taught me that when someone is sad you let them be in the moment and nowhere else.

Rogers sat down and again tried to take her, but he still didn't get the hint. Natasha's cry's only got louder and she started screaming in emotional pain, and she cried out for Y/N.

I have never seen Natasha this low, I saw her childhood for a brief moment, and she came back from it with the help of Y/N, only I'm afraid this time she isn't going to make it.

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