-Are you sure it isnt your fault?- Nat Romanoff

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Wanda is 14 years old and you are 15. Natasha is your biological mother and she has adopted Wanda who moves each weeks between Clint and Natasha.

You sighed as you hung up the phone and pulled your keys out your pocket, you knew your mom wouldn't be home till 6 cause she have a meeting with Clint, Wanda and the principal of your school. Apparently Wanda had been talking with the principal numerous times about you, your mom and your family. You put the key into the keyhole and walked inside, taking your sneakers off you placed them on the shoe rack and put your coat on the coat hanger. You walked into your room and sat there on your phone for around an hour when you decided to go shower.

When you got out your 20 minute shower you heard your mom making dinner in the kitchen, you walked back into your room and put on an oversized t shirt and a pair of shorts. "Dinners ready" she told you and you walked in to the dinning table and sat down, "Spaghetti and meatballs, nice" she doesn't look happy, "So what did you guys talk about?" You said putting pasta into your late, "that's what we are going to talk about now" she is angry, not just mad, angry.

As she started telling you everything you did wrong, the first thing that caught your ear was when she said, "she doesn't want to live here anymore, she says you are treating her like shit" she's not happy, plus this surprised you, you thought you and Wanda were good, everything seemed cool between the 2 of you. You didn't answer her, you just ate your food, "the principal also mentioned the things you have posted on TikTok about your classmates" here we fucking go again, you thought. The 2 of you have had this argument before.

She went off at you again, and you again kept eating, not saying a thing. "None of them like me, I feel like hell every time I have to get up for school in the morning" you yelled at her, tears spilling from your eyes. "That still doesn't explain why the hell you would post those things" her response made you angry, you remained calm though, you stayed in your seat and remained calm. "Why do you not feel welcome in the class?" She asked also trying to stay calm, failing a little more at it. "None of them like me, none of them hang out with me, they exclude me from everything as you know" you tried to continue to speak but she interrupted you, "I feel like Wanda had a choice and she chose to leave me behind" she said seeming sad which you couldn't believe, "how could she leave you behind, when she chose to move because she thinks I treat her like shit" she didn't answer.

The rest of dinner both of you remained silent, "thank you for dinner, do you want me to throw any of it in the fridge or throw it out" she still remained silent, "are you sure it isn't your own fault that they don't like you?" That shocked you, and made you want to break down and cry, "what?" Trying not to cry you just wanted her to repeat what she just said, "I mean you must have done something to make them not want to be with you and hang out with you" you didn't answer, you just started to clear the table and put things in the dishwasher.

You walked back into your room and started to cry.

So this is all based on what my dad yelled at me about 30 minutes ago, and yes he did say that it's my own fault. To clear things up I love my dad, but he scares me to death so if you know me do not tell my parents or anyone I or you know who could tell my parents, because I am not about to explain to my parents why I would write about this, when Wattpad and the stories I write are my safe space. TikTok used to be that it isn't anymore considering people have shown my parents the videos that I post.

Thank you for listening to my rant.  I love you all, stay safe, warm, and remember to eat.

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