The night we met - Natasha X Reader

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We are sitting at yet another one of Tony Starks stupid parties. Though I don't know any of the avengers personally except for Natasha, I keep getting invited. Me and Natasha aren't even that close. All I know is that neither of us are drinking, everybody else is.

She and I make eye contact, and keep it for a good three minutes before I look away. I sigh and smile to myself, careful to not let the others notice.

"Y/n, if you need a minute the elevator can take you straight to the roof," Clint whispers to me, I smile and thanks him, he smile and walks back to the rest of the group.

After 5 minutes I stand up and get into the elevator, feeling Natasha's eyes following me all the to the elevator, right until the doors close.

I make it to the roof and stand by edge, feeling the cold breeze in my hair. Tracing every piece of skin that's showing, calming me down.

I hear the elevator doors ding and someone wearing heels steps out. I know who it is, I know that she's standing right behind me waiting for what to say. Her heels click every time she takes a step and eventually she stands beside me.

We stand in silence for a few minutes before I decide to speak. You know what this reminds me of?" I ask her.

I can see her head shake out of my peripheral view, and I smile just thinking about it. "The day we met, on that rooftop, same setting, only it was the other way around, I met you up there. You were sitting with your legs over the edge, I assumed you had been crying, and that the rest of the team had attempted to console you, only you wouldn't let them. Clint sent me up here, so I did, and we just, sat on that edge together, until you started forming small but genuine sentences. And I just listened, to you speaking. That was the first time I realized I loved you," I tell her and her arms give a slight squeeze.

"And I loved you too. Unlike the others, I guess you knew that I needed time." She responds.

I face her and put a hand on her cheek. "Are you okay?" She asks me. I hesitate to answer and place a kiss on her lips.

"I want you Nat. And not just when it's just the two of us, I don't want your friends to tell me that you and somebody else would look good together." I explain, and a look of defeat is displayed on her face.

"I want you too Y/n, but you need to understand; there are certain risks, risks I cannot take," I remove my hands from her face and walk away from her, "Y/n, come on, you have to look at it from my point of view, I can't loose you because of this,"

"No I get it, but then why go up here with me? Why follow me onto a rooftop in the middle of the night knowing what could happen? Why not just let me go?" I ask her, realizing what the last bit sounds like.

"You want me to let you go?" She asks me, her voice shaking.

"That is not what I meant and you know that. I just don't want to be something that is kept a secret from everybody else, I get not wanting to act like Tony in public, but Jesus Christ, they don't even know I exist, let alone that I'm actually someone they could and probably should get to know." I throw my hands in the air defeated and tears start pooling in my eyes. "Because this is not a relationship. It is the definition of situationship, which basically means that you either aren't ready for a relationship, or just don't want a relationship with me, so which one is it? Because to me you might as well be my girlfriend,"

Her silence gives me the answer that I need, and I start walking towards the door. Her hand grabs onto my arm, "ask me," she says.


"Ask, me," she repeats.

I give her a slight smile and grab her hand, "you ask me, when you're ready too, not because I told you how I feel," I say and kiss her again.

"I love you Y/n," She says.

"I know. And I love you," I respond and look down at our hands, our fingered automatically intervened.

"Be my girlfriend," She asks me, pleading with her eyes.


"Please. I cannot be the reason why; I will not be the reason behind this," She says. The tears fall from my eyes and down my cheeks. Followed by a smile and a kiss on her lips.

"Okay," I whisper and wrap my arms around her. "Yeah, okay, I will," I say and feel her chin on top of my head. "And I'm sorry that I'm this difficult and needy,"

"Oh my love you are not being difficult, you're human, a human who has needs, and if this is one of them I am happy to comply," she says and I kiss her again.

"Thank you,"

"I love you Y/n, I will love you till the day I die, I promise,"

Well aren't I just productive! Anyways, love y'all!

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