- Burning buildings - Natasha X Sister

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"Hey Nat," I yell after my sister who is sitting in the shared compound kitchen, "yeah?" She chews down the last of her granola bar and throw the wrapping out.

"15 minutes, we gotta go," I inform her and go to my quarters to change, "Wanda you coming with us?" I ask my sisters girlfriend who is sitting on the couch by my room doing nothing, "what we doing?" She questions, "just checking out some buildings, nothing big," I shrug and put my t-shirt on.

"Sure, give me 5 minutes to change and I'll be down," she jumps up and hurry's to her room, "Kay, we'll be downstairs packing the gear," I say and walk towards to elevator going down to the parking garage.

Five minutes later Wanda and Nat walks out of the elevator holding hands, "okay lovebirds before I throw up would you mind helping me but the last of the stuff into the truck?" I joke and make a gag sound when they kiss, "you're a child," Nat hits me in the shoulder and put her bag in the back of the truck. "Okay, let's go," Wanda says and I start driving us to the location.

I stop the truck and take the keys out of the ignition, it's so quiet, "okay, in check the buildings and then out again, no funny business Y/n," Nat instructs, "Nat I'm not five I know how to do this," I snap back at her and get out.

The sweep around the buildings are going fine, we all took separate buildings so it would go quicker, Wanda obviously has an advantage, considering the whole floating/flying thing she has going on, I wonder how she figured out she could fly, like did she just fling herself off of a building and start floating when she got to close to the ground? Or did Pietro tell her to do it and she just did it? I'm gonna have to ask her that.

I walk out of my building and Nat is walking over to me, "Wanda should be out any minute now. Anything to report?" She asks me and puts notes onto her screen thingy, "nope, it's as clean as a whistle, or not clean, it was quite dirty, so as clean as a dirty whistle I suppose," I joke, she shoots me a look and all of a sudden the building Wanda is in shoots into flames.

"Holy shit, WANDA!" I yell, when the woman screams Nat is quick to run inside, "Nat!" I yell after her, I look around for a second and Wanda is flying out of the side of the building, thank god, "Y/n, where's Nat?" She asks me when she lands beside me, grunting in pain.

"Crap," I mutter and run in after my sister Wanda now doing the yelling. "Nat!" I yell after her, she doesn't respond, "NAT!" I repeat, the flames get higher and so does the noise, "NAT! COME ON!" I scream out for her.

"Y/N!" She yells back, "Come here!" She grabs my wrist and pulls me out, both of us making it before the building collapses.

Wanda hug Nat who is coughing her fucking lungs out, "what the hell where you thinking?" She asks me, I make a face at her and point my hand at the building.

"Yeah surprise the building is burning!" She yells "which reminds me, you never follow someone into a fire, why did you run after me?" She follows up.

"Well, if you don't want me to follow you into a burning building! DONT RUN INTO THE BURNING BUILDING!" I yell back at her, "because let me remind you, which one of us has powers and are fully capable of FLYING out of a burning building," I point out, "WHICH neither of us NORMAL people would be able to do," I add and walk to the car.

I drink a third of a water bottle and hand it to Wanda, who hands it to Nat. I get in the car sitting in the back, Nat throw the water bottle and they both get into the front, she clears her throat and looks at me, "if you are about to give me some stupid lecture about third degree burns, death, or burning buildings I am walking all the way back to the compound," I inform her and cross my arms in front of me chest.

"Child," Wanda mutters making Nat laugh, I can't help but laugh as well, "to point out though, both of you are stupid," Wanda adds and lean back in her seat.

"If y'all are gonna fuck tonight can you please warn me so I can sleep in the living room?" I joke, Nat turns while driving and looks at me, "what?" I raise my hands in front of me, "I'm going to beat your ass when we get back," she warns me and keep driving.


Be happy with this, don't have the energy for anything else :)

So uhm, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK 100K READS OMG LIKE WTF, I doubted myself when I started this story out and NEVER thought I would reach 10K LET ALONE 100K THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I LOVE YALL!!!!

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