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He was sitting on a rooftop near district 11. He already finished the can coffees he bought on his way. He finally managed to get out of the now crowded apartment of Yomikawa to get some peace.

"Not a great expression you have there, Accelerator."

While he was silently sitting on top of the building, a familiar voice ranged from behind. Without even looking there he said,

"What brings you here? Aiwass."

The being in question fully manifests itself behind him and says,

"I do not have any proper answer to that question really. You could say I am here for no particular reason."

Hearing those, he closes his eyes for a moment and says,

"Don't play dumb with me. You know well enough that I can sense the hint of excitement in you. What are you expecting this time?"

The holy guardian angel Aiwass says nothing immidiately in answer. A small smile appears in the corner of it's mouth although it's expression hardly changed. It stays still on it's position and looks at him and says,

"My expectations means nothing. I am here to observe as much as I can. I get bored too easily you know. Perhaps-"

"Perhaps you can stop thinking whatever you are and go back to the sacred place of yours."

"Oh my, should I take that as a threat?"

"It's totally up to you. I couldn't care less about how you took my words. Just let me be clear about one thing. Do not involve them in your games."

"I see, as protective as always. But you shouldn't be worried. I have no interest in doing anything like that. Academy City is the center of science and magic still exists, as well as Aleister. As long as two opposing forces exist, there would be plenty of things worth my interest."

"That son-of-a-bitch Aleister is still set on his goal. But given his current condition, it wouldn't be soon he starts making a move. But this is Aleister crowley, that bastard will do something messed up again sooner or later."

"That is correct. If it was not for Coronzon, perhaps he would've achieved his goal already. But now that Coronzon is gone, it is but a matter of time before Aleister does something."

"Are you waiting for him to do something?"

"Since all of his road block are now gone, he would definitely succeed in achieving his goal. Or so would anyone think. But Aleister was cursed to fail at everything. It is failures that brought him where he is right now. And he will continue failing in the future. That's the fate chosen for him."

"Isn't that the exact reason why you exist in this plain? To overwrite fate and guarantee his success. He went so far and creates so many path to guarantee his success. But in the end,"

"I am well aware of my goal. No matter what, I will definitely achieve it. Be it today, or 100 years from now. Because time is not something that I lack."

"So, is it time you tell me your real reason for coming here?"


"You know full well that you can't hide that from me. Be it a good thing or bad, but I do resemble your structure to some degree. So,"

"Certainly. You are right to some extent. I am aware of the fact that you can already sense the change within me. And that's exactly the reason why I came here. No matter what, I didn't oppose him calling me his Guardian Angel. So it is only fair that I show some goodwill toward him."

Accelerator stands up on the roof while facing opposite of Aiwass. He looks below and then around him. It was a tall building so a large portion of academy city was visible from there.

TRYING TO BE 'NORMAL' - a 'Toaru Majutsu No Index' FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now