Chap 14: I'm Not Doing It!

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Accelerator was worried about WORST, not that he would tell,But he was worried. So he called her number.The phone rings and then he hears,

"Yo! Misaka is probably busy at this moment, So if you have anything to say misaka, You can leave a voice message here. And if you want to ask Misaka out,Then forget it, I don't think you are as attractive as Tou-san!"

Accelerator cuts the phone and says,

"The hell was that?"

Then he waited for WORST to return. Many minutes passed but she didn't returned. Accelerator gets worried for real. So he decided to go out and search WORST. So he picks up a jacket and wears it. It was mid november and at night, outside was cold.

He then tells Last order,

"Brat, i am going to look for the nuisance, so if yomikawa asks tell her that. And don't do anything stupid while i am out."

Last order replies with a big smile,

"Haaai, But misaka wanted to go with you too, but it's night, so misaka will wait, says misaka as misaka tells you her thoughts."

Accelerator then heads outside and opens his phone.

Outside the apartment...

Accelerator was walking down a street and looking for WORST location as he did in fact put a tracker in her phone in case of any emergencies. He tracked her location and it was near district 4. He called a taxi to district 4 and heads toward there.

He reacged his destination about 5 minutes later. He exits the taxi,pays the money and heads to the location where WORST is.

He notices that it was an old apartment and WORST's location was inside the apartment. He goes to the apartment door, Switches on his chocker and knocks the door.

He heard some girls inside and one of them is coming to open the door. When the girl opens the door,

She sees accelerator and asks him,

"You, wait a minute, I know you! You are-,"

"Yeah shut it. I'm here on business."

Surprisingly, accelerator sensed no hostility from her for the time being. So he switches of his chocker and says,

"WORST, Misaka WORST, Is she here? I am here to take her. If she is here then go tell her that .........t-to.....tou-san is here to pick her up."

The girl listens to him and her face lightens up in happiness.

She quickly tells him,

"Really! Are you here to pick her up? Then please come in and take her home, I am begging you!"

Accelerator gets surprised at her sudden reply then he remembers that this is WORST they were talking about, so it was probably normal. He then enters the apartment to see 2 other girls and WORST, Who was lying on the ground. He then quickly goes to her and says,

"What the hell? Get up! It's past curfew already."

WORST looks up and sees accelerator and quickly she gets up and hugs him without giving any chance to protest.

She then says,
"Ah!Tou-san!! You came to pick Misaka up! How nice of you. Then let us go toward the hell, together!"

Accelerator tries to free himself then he noticed, WORST was drunk as fuck! So he just grabs her soulder and heads to the door. Before they could go out,

WORST tells to the girls,

"Bye kuro-nyaan! Misaka will come again to play!"

In reply, kuryoru umidori shouts,

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