Chap 25: Wellcome to yomikawa residence!

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Qliphah puzzle he...Take care of me............Master!

The contract was made,They were connected.
Accelerator has no idea how to make a contract.So he decided to say directly to the demon.After thinking,The demon accepted his 'Proposal' and the contract was made.

NO!tht's not how a contract between a demon and a human are made!
Making a contract isn't an easy task.You have to follow many steps to make the contract.A contract stays for one task.You summon a being,Negotiate,Give it a task and it will complete your 'That' task.Untill 'That' task is finished,Your contract remains,But it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.The contract is for one task.The contracted being will complete your one single given task,Even if you die.It can't be free untill it's task is finished.Maybe the being will ask something in return.Or it will follow your other commands.But it's completely it's own choice.

But this contract between the Boy and the girl was different.It didn't required any ceremony.The demon was in front of the boy,The boy said he want to make a contract,The demon accepted,And the contract was made!It was that easy for them.Why?
Qliphah puzzle 545 herself was quite surprised that the contract was formed!The moment the boy 'Proposed' the contract,It was almost completed.And the moment the demon accepted,It was made.It was like,The contract was already made and they were just renewing it.Besides,It was not even a tenporary contract like the usals!
Qliphah puzzle 545 addressed accelerator as Master.Something she never said to someone.Not even her own creator,The great demon!Thogh she was created not long ago.

Accelerator looks at the demon and says,
"Now,How do we make a contract?"
The girl replied,
"Ne he he,The contract is alreday completed Master."
Accelerator gets a little surprised at how easily the contract was made.He then says,
"Is it that easy to make a contract?"
The girl says,
"Ne he,of course not.But somehow the contract between us was made that easily.Ne he he,Maybe i am your soulmate,Master!"
Accelerator clicks his tongue and says,
"How should i know that the cintract was made?And what is the guarantee that you won't betray me?"
The girl the says,
"Don't worry,he he,The contract was curved inside our souls.You can't see it,But i can feel it.The contract was successfully made.And there is no way i can betray you.I am your contracted demon.So,use me as you like."
Accelerator then glared at the girl and says,
"I hate those peoples who wants to use me like a tool.Same goes for the peoples who think themselves as nothing but a tool.So,here is a warning.Don't talk like you are a tool.I made the contract because i want you to give me knowledge about magic.Not to use you as a meat sheild.I want you to help me understanding magic.Never tell that i will use you like a tool.Remember it,It's an Order!!"
The girl was surprised at the boy's statement.She was made as a tool.She was made with only one goal.And she has to complete that no matter what.But now that she made a contract,There is no need to go back and complete her previouse task.But that doesn't change the fact that she is a tool.Untill now,She has been used as a tool.Her Master has ordered her to not to think herself as a tool,The thing that she wanted to hear the most.
After saying those,Accelerator starts to walk away thinking what will he say to yomikawa and yoshikawa about this girl.Then he looks at the girl and says,
"Now come on.We have a place to visit."
After he said those,The girl nods and vanishes!Accelerator makes an ankoyed face and says,
"Oi,are you playing hide and sick with me?Where did you go?Come out!"

When he said her to come out,Suddenly,the air started to flow at a certain place unnaturally.In front of accelerator,All trashes of the vicnity was palced.Then the girl comes out of the trash!With a little dirt sticking on her hand.Something was different about her from before.She was standing on the ground before,But now,She was floating like defying the gravity.
Accelerator cringes and says,
"What the fuck was that?a magic trick?"
The girl then says,
"Ne hehe,You see master,I am a possesing demon.So i don't actually have a body like you in the surface world.In the surface world,we demons posses others and use their bodies.So,in order to manifest myself in the surface world,or appear before you,i need to perform an artificial birthing ritual,Gathering the 'trash' in the vicnity towards a point.Then i can emerge from it.Nehe he he."
Accelerator understand the situation and sighs.Then he brings out a tissue from his pocket and gives it to Quliphah puzzle 545.Then he says,
"There is dirt sticking on your arm,Clean it."
Qliphah takes the tissue and cleans the dirt.Then she floats towards accelerator who was walking away towards his destination.Quliphah then floats behind accelerator and wraps her arm around accelerators neck.Surprisingly,Accelerator didn't reacts!He just stats silent.Maybe it is because of the contract that has been made between this two.

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