Chap 4: spending times with 'parents'

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After yesterdays experience,Accelerator decides that he will no way in the hell go out today and that is why he was sitting at the couch with a bored expression and tv remote in his hand.
Last order and WORST has gone out quite happily to enjoy their 'freedom'.
That leaves Yoshikawa and accelerator.Accelerator never minded Yoshikawa because most of the time she was either sleeping inside her room or writing 'who knows what report' leaving accelerator alone.And acccelrator was ok with it as long as he was alone and no one to 'bother' him.

After sometimes Accelerator gets bored of the tv and switches it off.Then he lays down on the couch.
Few moments later Yoshikawa comes out of nowhere and tells,
"Quite bored aren't we?"
Accelerator just looks at her and tries to sleep again.
Then Yoshikawa goes toward the Kitchen and Accelerator stays on the couch.

Not so after,Yomikawa returns with a stressed expression and sits beside accelerator.Accelerator notices that she had a quite stressed expression.Then accelerator asks her,
"What's with the face? Did someone died?"
Yomikawa smiles and tells,
"No,just another adult stuff,you don't have to worry-jan!"
Acceletator then says flatly,
"Who is worried anyway! and you adult stuff is maybe aother cutoff from anti-skill."
Yomikawa just chuckles at his words and notices that yoshikawa is in the kitchen.Then she asks accelerator,
"Is Yoshikawa cooking or something?"
Accelerator then says,
"That sloth and cooking?i'd rather stay empty stomached for few days than eating her cooking."
Yomikawa laughs at accelerators remark.

Yomikawa was preparing for lunch while Yoshikawa was talking on the phone with someone.
Seeing that,Accelerator decides to take a shower so he went to the bath.

After taking a quick shower he enters the living room and see's Yomikawa with her arsenal of rice coockers.Yomikawa was choosing her rice coocker.
Seeing that accelerator says,
"I swear one day your gonna blast of the kitchen with your coockers."
Yomikawa then answers him,
"Don't worry,It's not that bad and i am sure that's not gonna happen-jan."
"As if i am gonna reassure when living with literally 'bombs' at the kitchen."
Says accelerator while sitting at the couch.

After some times,Yoshikawa comes to the living and tells accelerator,
"You should pick up the kids.It's past noon already."
Accelerator answers her,
"You can just make a phone call to WORST to know there situation.Why bother asking me?"
Then Yoshikawa picks up accelertors phone and proceeds to call WORST.

The phone call, 3rd POV

Yoshikawa calls WORST to know there situation.When she called WORST's number,she was not picking the phone,
Instead Yoshikawa could hear,

"Yo! Misaka is busy right now so Misaka can't answer your phone.You can leave whatever messege you want to say to Misaka.And if you want to ask out Misaka,Then don't bother,i am sure you are not as attractive as tou-san."

After hearing this,Yoshikawa lets out a small sigh and walks toward accelerator to tell him.

Yoshikawa comes to the living and tells accelerator that WORST's phone was unreachable in which accelerator gets a  little tensed but doesn't says anything.

While he was sitting on the couch resting his head backwards,Yomikawa stands behind him and all of a sudden,
She started to caresing his hair and play around with it.
Accelerator first wanted to shout but after a few moment,it started to feel 'not so bad',so he lets her play with his hair.
Yomikawa tells accelerator while messing his hair,
"I heard the kid's phone is not reachable,shouldn't you go and look for them-jan?"
Before accelerator could say anything,his phone was ringing and it was from an unknown number.
So many thoughts were running inside his head but he picks up the phone first.
Before he could say anything,Last Order started to talk behind the phone.
She says,
"Misaka is now with other misakas and onee-sama says misaka as misaka reassures you.You don't have to worry about misaka and misaka will be home before sunset says misaka as misaka acts like a teenager."
Accelerator then asks,
"What about the other one?"
Last order then tells,
"She is here too,she is now playing with onee-sama says misaka as misaka explains."
Accelerator doesn't says anything and cuts the phone.Then he notices Yomikawa still playing with his hair and it is now felling quite good to him so he again doesn't says anything.
Then yoshikawa asks,
"What did she tell?"
"The brat told that they will be back before sunset."
Says accelerator with expressionless face.
Then yoshikawa doesn't asks any further and sits beside accelerator and after a few moments,Yomikawa is done playing with accelerators hair and heads back to kitchen.
A few minutes after,Yomikawa returns with coffee and gives them to accelerator and Yoshikawa as they takes them and started to drink.
Yomikawa then sits beside accelerator and they drinks their coffee silently.

After few moments of awkward silence,Yomikawa decides to talk.
She asks accelerator,
"Do you remember your birthday accelerator?"
Accelerator nods shakes his head in negative and says,
"Who cares about it anyway".
Then yomikawa tells,
"Try to remember,Normal kids remembers their birthday".
"Why should i care?"
Says accelerator and in answer yoahikawa says,
"Aren't you trying to be normal?see,You are too lazy to even remember your birthday and you tell me lazy huh?"
Accelerator looks at yoshikawa and tells,
"Then tell me your birthday,let's see how active you are".
Yoshikawa stays silent as accelerator smirks.
Yomikawa then picks up the mugs and goes to kitchen.

While yomikawa was inside the kitchen,she heard accelerator shouting out loud,
Hearing this yomikawa comes to the living and saw that,Yoshikawa was leaning on accelerators shoulder half asleep and accelerator was trying his best to not to hurt her and push her off.

Seeing this Yomikawa tells,
"Ok ok,don't make a ruckus over it,she is sleeping let her be,come on-jan".
Accelerator then tells yomikawa,
"How the hell peole falls asleep so fast,she was talking fine just a minute ago,and now she is sleeping like dead!"
Yomikawa sighs and sits beside accelerator.
Acceleretor becomes calm after a moment and decides to not to say anything.Then he notices that on his other side,Yomikawa has puted her head on his shoulder.
He glares at yomikawa and asks,
"Now what,don't tell me you are asleep too."
Then yomikawa tells,
"Don't mind me".
"Like hell i can!"says accelerator.
"Spending some times with your parents is not so bad you know".
Says yomikawa softly.
Hearing this,accelerator becomes quite and 'a few moments later' he falls asleep.

It was afternoon and the sun has set.
Last order and WORST had returned from their 'freedom' and now standing at the living room looking at something with surprise.
WORST tries to do something but Last order stops her.But she couldn't resist her urge and she takes some pictures of it.Then she grins and says,
"This is Misaka's weapon for sometime,can't wait for tomorrow!"
Last order says,
"He is looking quite happy says misaka as misaka looks at wonder!"
"Huh! How is he happy?He is as geumpy as ever!" Says WORST.
Then they both goes to their room leaving the scenario on the living room.There was a kid sleeping soundly with his 'Parents'

A/N: so hello again and this is the 4th chapter,more to come,Enjoy!and don't mind the mistakes

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A/N: so hello again and this is the 4th chapter,more to come,Enjoy!
and don't mind the mistakes.advise is welcomed😁

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