Chap 3: The 'Encounters'

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Distric 7, 3:00 pm, 3rd POV...

Accelerator was walking with a can of coffee. Ususally he don't goes out this time of the day. But he was kicked out forcibly by Yomikawa and Last order in the name of 'socialising'.

He was taking sips from his coffee and preparing to buy another from a nearby vending machine. When he comes a little close to the vending machine, He notices that someone was violently shaking the vending machine with a terror in his face like the vending machine has taken something very important from him.

He notices that who was shaking the vending machine is none other than that Kamijou guy, That damned hero.

He stays there for a moment and stares blankly at Touma with a little amusement in his eyes. Then touma gives up and almost started crying saying some thing like,

'that was almost all of my money for this month!'

Then touma notices Accelerator standing with a blank face.

Touma thinks,

'What!? What is he doing here? I already lost my money and now he is here? Is here to pick a rematch or something? If he is here for a rematch then I am doomed! Fokou da!'

Then he looks at him, waves his hand and says cautiously,

"Hey! Wha-what are you doing here?"

Accelerator anwers,

"None of your business"

saying that, he looks at the vending machine.

Then touma tells him,

"Be careful! Something's wrong with this vending machine, It ate my 2000 yen!!"

Accelerator looks at touma with a pity and tells him,

"Of course something is wrong, Can't you see the note there? This machine is not working."

Touma gets surprised by this and looks at the vending machine carefully and saw it's real! there is a note hanging there saying,

'This machine is not working properly, please refrain from putting money. If you loose your money, We are not responsible.'

After seeing this, Touma lefts out a big sigh and tells his tagline

"Fukou daaa!"

Then accelerator starts to walk away in search of a convenient store to buy his coffee which is already finished. But he notices that Touma is walking behind him.

He gets annoyed and growls,

"Why are you following me,the fuck is your problem?"

Touma gets a little startled from this and tells with caution,

"I am not really following you, I am also going this way, ...hehe."

Accelerator grunts and starts walking. After sometimes, He reaches the store and goes inside the store and he notices that the hero is walking away to another direction. Accelerator clicks his tongue and goes inside the store.

Inside the store, 3rd POV...

The store is not really a convenient store, but quite a large general shop. Accelerator comes here often and he has became a regular face here. There is a worker here who is quite fond of him. Surprisingly, Accelerator doesn't mind her too.

He was at a corner picking some can coffee for him when he noticed that someone was making a ruckus inside the store.

He clicks his tongue and thinks,

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