Chap 49: Lilith-chan!

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The crisis this time was over and it was a victory for humanity.
Kamijou Touma's treatment was done and he was now pretty much okay.He alongside with his group were invited to the windsor castle by the queen herself to thank them for their aid.Without the imagine breaker,this fight could've gotten out of hand.


With that.

“The British crisis ended with Great Demon Coronzon's defeat. We must raise our glasses here in memory of those who were lost. Raise an earnest prayer and never forget to enjoy yourself with the life you still hold! Now, a toast!!”

Queen Regnant Elizard was the same as ever.

She would not allow the gloomy atmosphere to remain that way. Terrorism, war, disease, and disaster. No matter what troubles were thrown at her nation, that nation would be helpless if she could not find the words to inspire them. For example, if a horrific terrorist attack shook the country, the self-proclaimed sensible people who would snap at everyone but the actual terrorists, telling them to restrain themselves and be more considerate, were actually indirectly giving the terrorists what they wanted. No matter the situation, they had to preserve their normal lives. If a leader was to act as an umbrella standing protectively above the people, perhaps this was a necessary skill.

They were in one of Windsor Castle’s dance halls.

This was technically in the private residential part of the castle, but this was the royal family and they may have enjoyed ballroom dancing in their everyday lives. When you thought about it, it was hard to imagine where else they would practice dancing.

The meal took a buffet style.
The British Maids of Honor were gathered in one corner of the hall.
But not because they were employees standing aside so as not to get in the way of the guests. This was a day for celebration, so they were enjoying the party too.

In fact.
They were surrounding the Eastern blood that had crossed the vast ocean to visit them here.
Due to the gender ratio, that corner alone carried a scent much like a girl’s locker room.

They were all head over heels for that Japanese boy.

One of them says,

“Really? You came here all the way from Japan? That’s incredible.”

Then the other says,

“Here, let me hold your hand. I can help you clean up.”

And another one says,

“Here, here. Eat this. I’m really proud of this one. I-I mean, if you want, of course. Now, say ‘ah’.”

The maids were answered by a meow from the floor.
The Japanese calico had an extremely rare genetic makeup, so it was a rarely-seen breed in England. It was about as unusual as the hairless cats created by repeated selective breeding.

Just like with Akita and Shiba dogs, something that was common in Japan could gather a lot of attention overseas.

That three-colored cat was getting all the focus.
Even though he was only washing his face with his front paw.

“Kyah! Oh, I just wanna- kyah, kyah!!”

“Kyah! Oh, I just wanna- kyah, kyah!!”

“Kyah! Oh, I just wanna- kyah, kyah!!”

Touma sighs and says,

“This is way more upsetting than it should be.”

Resentment filled the pointy-haired boy’s voice even though he could not understand any of the English being spoken by the mountain of maids.

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