Chap 6: 'Human'

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Hospital,3rd POV.....

Accelerator was still resting inside the SISTERS department after the earlier event with Mikoto.He was sleeping quite soundly but suddenly his expression changes as if he was seeing a nightmare.

Accelerator POV.....

I was inside a blank box made of glass.
Outside i saw some familliar figures.It was Me and a Clone.I was looking at them and my eyes got wide as i realized that it was a running experiment.
I tried to run there to stop the upcoming massacre but i wasn't able to.It was like my legs are frozen.I tried to close my eyes but not to avail.I was seeing the horrible deeds i did right in front of my eyes.As i was desperately trying to escape from that place,A certain voice echoed trhough my ears.When i look at behind,I saw Someone was standing with bloodstained hand and a evil smirk on his face.As i looked closely,It was me!

The other me was laughing loudly and gets closer to me as i look at him with my eye wide.He then leans on me and whispers in my ear,
"Isn't it fun killing those dolls?!They are so weak and they can't even resist even one attack.The more you kill the more you enjoy.Isn't it?! After all,They are just machines!"
I was shocked hearing my own voice.It left me chills throughout my spine as i wanted to say something.But without giving me any chances,My other self again speaks,
"Come on!Don't act like you are innocent.You are me,I am you!You have killed thousands of them mercileesly and now you are trying to escape the reality?Uh!!"
I was just speechless and stood there watching myself brutally killing the clones as i was hearing there painful screams.
I tried to cover my ears and close my eyes.Then my other self again spoke,
"Look there!This is you,You are a monster!You cannot do anything but to kill,Destroy,see!!"
I was in lost of words.

What he sayed was true.Indeed,I am a monster.But i wasn't just for killing,Destroying.Even i can protect.I will.
But then thousands of voices started to whisper in my mind,
I saw so many clones ar pinting there finger at me and saying,
"You killed Misaka,Misaka wanted to live,You destroyed Misaka's dream!"
Then i saw last order,Pointing her finger at me,Saying
"Misaka will never forget what you did to other misakas.Misaka hates you!!".
Then i suddenly felt shock and the world around me started to fade away as a bright light engulfed me.

3rd POV....

Accelerator was sleeping with a horryfied expression and was sweating heavily.
Seeing this one of Misaka clone gets close to him and says,
"It's look like he is having a nighmare,Says misaka while looking tensed".
Then accelerators heart started to beat faster and faster and seeing this,The Clone places her hand over accelerators.And suddenly accelerator opens his eyes.
When he opens his eye,The clone was still holding his hand and was looking at him with a expressionless face.

Accelerator POV...

When i open my eyes i saw a SISITER was sitting beside me and was looking at me with their expressionless face.
Then i noticed that she was holding one of my hands.
I quickly release my hand and asked her,
"The hell are you doing?and where the brat?is the checkup over?"
The SISTER stares at me for a moment then answers,
"It looks like you were having a nighmare and was in pain,So Misaka got a little tensed and wanted to calm you,that is why Misaka held your hand,Says Misaka recollecting the memories from variouse Shoujo mangas.And it looks like the checkup is still ongoing as for Misaka cannot connect with the control tower,Says Misaka analyzing the situation".
Accelerator groand annoyingly and mutrers,
"How much time it will require to finish one damned test!!".
Then he got up from the bed and notices that his battery is almost full.
Surprised,He asks the SISTER in front of him,
"How come the battery is full?I was sure it wasn't full when i came here!".
Then the SISTER tells,
"Misaka with Misaka 10032 fully charged your battery seeing it was almost empty,Says Misaka with proudfull voice".
Accelerator just 'tch'd' and lefts the room.

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