Chap 21: Who am I to you?

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At the hospital,3rd POV...

Accelerator and with Yomikawa was walking towards WORST's cabin while last order was leading the way.
Short after,they reached the cabin and entered.

Inside was WORST laying on the bed,probably sleeping.Yoshikawa and Heaven canceller was talking about something while standing beside the bed.Seeing accelerator walking in,Yoshikawa tells heaven canceller,
"Here,Her tou-san has came.Now tell him what to do".
Heaven canceller looked at him and said,
"So you are taking care of her too.Very good.She needs you at this critical moment.She won't listen to anyone else,Except you."
Accelerator looked at WORST and asked heven canceller,
"Exactly what happened to her?"
Heaven canceller then starts,
"There was a slight diaturbance inside their network and that affected all the individuals psychologically that were anyhow connected to the network.This caused them to be at a state of mental breakdown.Because she was the Negative emotions holder,The effect was increased on her and she fell into a mental trauma.The network immidiately send orders of self rrpair the moment it recognizes the threat.But because she can deny the orders from the network,She couldn't took the order or program of self repaieing,That's why she is taking time to recover."
Accelerator then looked at the doctor and said,
"Then,doesn't that mean she is in danger now?Ptobably a grave danger.If her self recovery process somehow stoped,She could die at any moment!Then why i was told that she was okay?!"
Heaven canceller then told him,
"She is basically okay now.As long as she is in healthy mental condition,The recovery process would go smoothly.And to keep her calm,You have to be at her side because it seems that her mind is nothing but you.It's like She was made for you.Her subconsciouse was constantly searching for you.So you have to be here or the recovery peocess can be disturbed!"
Accelerator understood and nods.Then heaven canceller says goodbye and leaves the room.

Accelerator sits beside WORST's bed.Then Yoshikawa comes to him and says,
"Don't worry,She is gonna be fine!As long as you are here.We all are gonna be fine!"
Accelerator then answers without looking at her,
"Who is worrying?I am not worrying for you guys."
Yoshikawa smiles and says sarcastically,
"Hai,hai.You are super grumpy,so you don't care about us."
Listening this,Last order and yomikawa laughed.Then yoshikawa says,
"The doctor told that she can't go home today,But in 2-3 days,She will be fully recovered.So in the meantime,You have to stay at the hospital.You don't have to stay 24/7 awake,You have to stay like that she can see you.Whenever she wakes up,she becomes mad if she doesn't sees you!"
Accelerator clicked his tongue and says,
"Tch,What a pain!Guess there is no other choice then.You guys go home,take the brat with you."
Last order protests,
"Why?Misaka will stay with you,says misaka as misaka protests".
Accelerator ruffled her hair and said,
"You shouldn't.Beside,You can come visit tomorrow morning.You can stay all day here,But at night,You have to go back.You can't sleep here."
Last order seems convinced.Then she says,
"If Misaka can stay here with you all day,Then misaka will gladly agree,says misaka as misaka feels convinced."
Yomikawa asks then,
"What about food-jan?"
Accelerator then says,
"Are you idiot or something?There are family resturatnts here,I will order food for me."
Before yomikawa could say anything,10046,the SISTER with the earrings says,
"Be at ease,Misaka will bring food for him,says misaka assuring the guardian."
Then yomikawa tells,
"Okay then!I will come to visit tomorrow morning if i get any chance!And kikyou will bring the kid with her.Then let's go kikyou,I brought my car."
Then they leaves with last order.

After they gone,Inside the cabin,was accelerator,sleeping WORST and Misaka 10046.10046 was standing behind accelerator.Then accelerator looks at her and says,
"Did you ate something?you want to eate something?"
10046 looks at him and says,
"To be honest,Misaka would like to eat the mouse cake thing.Says misaka as she remembers what she saw in the t.v."
Accelerator then brings out his money card and gives ot to her.Then he says,
"Take this,Buy whatever you want to eat,bring some cans of coffee for me."
10046 takes the money card and and says,
"Then misaka will gladly take your command.Says misaka while felling happy to get to run an errand for you"
Then she departs.Now accelerator was alone with WORST.

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