Chap 33: Grimoire and Angel!

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They were inside a battlefield covered by powerful magic barrier which kept them inside of a 'different dimention', That means the actions that were happening inside the barrier, were unknown to outside world. Also, as long as the barrier is active, No damage will leak out from it. Therefore, The outside area will be okay.

Now back to matters.

The magicians called backup. The battle that Touma and accelerator were overpowering has turned. The knights and the caster, On top of that, There came 2 more figures who basically weren't humans. Because they were floating, Though a little above the ground, And also their eyes weren't fully functioning. There was strange marks in the eyes of the two entities.
One of them was fighting Touma, The other one was fighting accelerator.

Because of imagine breaker, Touma was able to negate it's magic attacks, But still was struggling against it in direct combat due to the being's sheer physical strength.

On the other hand, The other one caught accelerator offguard and attacked twice, Making him severely injured. Accelerator was using his ability to stop bleeding constantly, so he wasn't able to use his full 50% to block the next attack. So, He was hitted by it and was injured.

After Trying to study the unknown element present in the attack, Accelerator noticed index. But soon after, He starts to loose his consciousness. Instead of seeing the normal things, He was seeing pages. Pages with writing on it. He desperately tries to retain the minimum consciousness he had. With it, He notices that his wounds were healed and he was standing. Then he again looses his vision and sees himself inside a void where many pages were floating in front of him. He couldn't understand what was going on!

He grabs one of the pages and looks at it. There were something written in a bizzare language. First he couldn't understand it. When he looks at the writings, His head starts to hurt, he heared some weird noises inside his head. After a few moments, His headache stopped. He then looks at the page again. Surprisingly, He could understand the texts! It was like he knew the language from a long time. He gets very surprised as he couldn't describe the situation. If he was the old accelerator, He would probably freak out. But know that he knows about magic also the fact that he turned into something like an angel once, He could made sense of this situation.

Accelerator was standing in front of the being that attacked him. His wounds all healed, And he has manifested a couple of wings and a halo over his head. The wings were made of dark matter, Yet different from kakine's. Index describes it as similiar to thelesma, Yet different. So it was made of something similiar and different from both Thelesma and Dark matter. Maybe a mixture of them, maybe, maybe not!

But the interesting thing is, Accelerator wasn't fully himself! He was standing, looking straight at the being in front of him. The being was doing the same. It was like accelerator's mind has been turned into something different than his usual self. It was similiar to index's 'john's pen' mode, But at control.

Accelerator turned into an angel beofre too and was fully in control. After turning into an angel, He flied towards the thelesma to block it. But he didn't used magic. He just absorbed/destroyed a large amount of thelesma to stop a rainfire of it which could've destroyed the whole Eurasia continent. After that, He got unconscious. and found himself inside a plane. But he was well in control when in angel form back then.

What made him enter into an semi-lost control position is the presence of grimoires.

Grimoires are books that contains knowledge which is from out of human realm. Human brains can't contain Grimoires knowledge as they turns into an uncontrollable situation when reading grimoires. That is why grimoires were called poison for humans. But there were some exceptions as well who were able to read grimoire without any drawbacks. One example is Index herself.

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