Chap 66: Serious Cover!

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The number one esper of academy city has found himself in trouble again. This time, he has to take a kid to his home since he got lost. And that kid happens to be his hardcore fan.

Accelerator walked toward the road to find a taxi so that he can take the kid to his home. It's not like he wants to do this, but he have to. Since this kid seems to be as much pain in the ass as any other kids, he was sure if he didn't takes him to his home, he is going to stick with him and that would be annoying as hell. And he also has nothing special to do either. So, why not take the kid to his home for the greater good?

He was walking in front and the kid was behind. He didn't looked back because he could hear the kid's footsteps well. After walking for a moment, the kid caught upto him and without any hesitation, he grabbed his hand and started walking.

Accelerator looked at the kid and he was totally normal, like nothing happened.

And on the other hand, seeing that scene, someone took lethal damage.

After a little moment of silence, the kid talked.

"Ne ne, you are an esper right?"


"What is your ability? You told me once that you are the most powerfull level 5, is that right?!"

"You don't need to know."


"How is that cool?!"

"I am also going through the power curriculum programme, i will also become an esper!"

"Oh? Good for you."

"Yes! I want to be an esper like you and save others!"


"That is why i will start to drink coffee, with no sugar from tomorrow!"

"I told you to not to. That is not good for little kids. And also, bitter."

"No problem! I watched on television yesterday. You know the number 3 level 5? She is a girl, what was her name? Uh, uh, Re-ra-raid-,"


"Yes, that. She was on t.v. yesterday. She said, 'you have to work hard to become strong.' I watched the whole show!"


"So i am going to work hard! So what if they are bitter? I am going to drink them and become cool like you!"

"The f... you think drinking them would make you strong? Who told you that?"

"They won't? Then why do you drink them?"

"I drink them cause i like to. And listen, first, you have to become smart to become strong. So, stop being a stupid."

"Then i like them too! I will start drinking them from tomorrow!"

"Tch. Whatever."

He decided to give up on convincing the kid to not to drink the black coffee with no sugar. Because he was at a stage where God himself won't be able to convince him to not to drink it.

He was looking for a taxi but couldn't find one nearby. He looked around but there weren't any in the area. He then decided to walk more further to find a taxi. When he was walking, he heared a car's horn behind him. He looked back and saw a boy exiting the familiar looking sport car.

"Oh! Isn't it you?"


"I never thought i will see you here again."

TRYING TO BE 'NORMAL' - a 'Toaru Majutsu No Index' FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now