Chap 5: Neko-Chan

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Yomikawa's apartment...

Accelerator was still sleeping on the couch. Lately his sleep has gotten deep. His nightamres were almost gone and that is why he was sleeping so comfortably. In his past he wasn't able to sleep because of nightmares.

His sound sleep was broken by a certain voice calling him.

"Wake up, Wake up says misaka as misaka shakes you lightly. "

He opens his eyes and sees last order was shaking him. He lets a little groan and gets up from the couch. He was rubbing his eyes and says,

"What do you want brat?"

Last order then catches his arm and says,

"Misaka has to go to the hospital for checkup says misaka as misaka reminds you".

"Oh, so you want me to go with you?"

"Of course say misaka as misaka states the obvious."

Answered last order with an obvious tone.

"Oh, Wait a minute, Let me wash my face first."

Tells accelerator and goes to the bathroom. He wahes his face and wears a thin jacket over his v-neck full sleeve shirt. Then he takes last order and Leaves the appartment.

Outside the apartment...

After few moments later, He and last order was outside of their apartment.
Yomikawa was out for work, Yoshikawa and WORST was still sleeping, so it leaves only accelerator to go with this 'brat' for checkup. Even if Yomikawa or Yoshikawa was avialable, Last order would still tell him to go and he knew it well.

So he and last order prepares for going to the hospital.

On their way to the hospital, Last order wanted to eat an ice-cream. So they were now in the underground shopping complex, at a resturant.

Accelerator ordered a coffee and tells the waiter to give whatever the brat want. Last order of course orders a jumbo perfait.

When Last Order was eating, Accelerator noticed a familliar face was looking at the from outside. It was a 'Clone', She was looking at them and it made accelerator a little annoyed and uncomfortable.

So he called the clone inside. The clone comes to them as she sees last order eating the perfait quite happily.

Accelerator Notices the Clone and signals her to sit and she sits righ away and last order shows no sign of respone as she keeps eating her food.

The SISTER was sitting beside last order and was looking at her. Accelerator then calls an waiter and says to the clone,

"Order what you want."

The clone in response says,

"It's okay, says Misaka as she regrets her words."

Accelerator gets annoyed and says a little highly,

"I told you to order whatever you want! Now shut up and Order!"

The clone then says in monotone,

"Okay then, says Misaka as she feels comfortable".

"Ah,what is you serial number?"

Asks accelerator to the clone,

"Her serial number is '10076' says misaka as misaka answers another Misakas question."

Instead of her, Last order answered. And accelerator just sits there silently.
'10076' then orders a perfait too as last order and she started to talk about something. But accelerator didn't pays attention.

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