Chap 34: Try to smile!

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It was their last day of the vacation/trip.  They spent plenty time on the beach the first 2 days. So, as of Last Order's idea, They decided to go to the Amusement park (featuring gekota)!

So now, They were arguing with Accelerator. Because he doesn't want to go there. For him, The amusement park is just a crappy place where little kids gather to do some stupid things. So, he denies the idea.
But for the others, The amusement park is as it's name says, An amusing place!

Yomikawa was trying to convince him to go. But he just stays sit. Accelerator says,

"If you want to go, Then go. Why am I needed? It's not like you hags are little kids!"

Yomikawa then says,

"It doesn't matter if we are kids or not. You are coming with us-jan!"

Accelerator looks away and says,

"Heh, Like you can force me to come with you."

Then Yoshikawa says,

"Don't be grumpy, Come on. It's gonna be fun!"

Accelerator doesn't says anything.
Yoshikawa then looks at WORST and says,

"Can't you do something about it?"

WORST then says,

"What could this misaka do? It's not like misaka can force him. Maybe the brat can. Afterall, tou-san is a lo-!!"

Her sentence stopped middle way, because Accelerator was glaring at her.

Their conversation was going on. Then last order says,

"Is it true that you won't come? You won't come with misaka? Do you hate misaka then? says misaka as misaka is about to cry!"

Accelerator looks at her and shouts,

"The hell with that? How come this means I hate you?! And stop crying damnit!"

Then Last order says,

"So that means you will come with misaka?! You will right?! Look even Qli-chan wants you to come with us! says misaka as misaka is trying to convince you!"

Accelerator then looks at Qliphah puzzle 545 to confirm what last order said.
Qliphah can't go against her master's wish, So she was quite the whole time. But it was true that she wanted to go to the amusement park, With her master, with everyone. But she couldn't say that. So she was just blushing while looking away from him.

 So she was just blushing while looking away from him

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