Chap 8: I was Threatened!again

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After the 'date' incident,

When accelerator was in front of the apartment door, He heard Last order shouting to WORST about something. He knows what is she shouting about cause that 'bitch' WORST told the sisters that they went on a 'date' while he was threatened to go with her.

Hearing last orders shout, at first he thought of running away from there and return when everything is setteld. But he knows the MISAKAS so well than any others. He knows that if he didn't solve the problem now, its going get worse. So he opened the door, entered the battlefield well prepared for facing last order.

Entering the apartment, He saw WORST was inside her room, Last order was in the living probably waiting for Him. Yomikawa and Yoshikawa was watching her with excitement in their eyes like something funny is going to happen.

When last order saw accelerator,She looked at him with angry eyes, Though they were not intimidating at all, but cute for sure. Accelerator flinched at the site and regained his 'stand'. He saw she wasn't saying anything, so he started to walk toward his room.

When he was heading towards his room, Last order told him,

"You have an explaination to do to Misaka, says misaka as misaka tries to sound as scary as possible".

Accelerator looked back at her and said,

"What explaination? Do you think i will answer to a brat?".

"So,you are admiting your crime-jan?"

Yomikawa added that like salt in the wound.

Accelerator glared dagger at Yomikawa but there are a few peoples who are not affected by his glare, Yomikawa is one of them. She just giggled.

Last order then says almost crying,

"So, so you really went on a date with her! Misaka is so depressed, She thought you will choose misaka, but you are, says misaka as misaka tries to find a tissue to wipe her eyes".

Accelerator looks at her and shouts,

"I was forced to go with her! You hear?And stop crying damnit. I didn't go on a fucking 'date'. I just bought her to a resturant and she fucking ate sweets that's all".

Then WORST came out and stood beside accelerator and said,

"Uhh?,Tou-san, You only told her that i ate. But you didn't told her that You ate too, from my hands of course, hehehe!"

Accelerator was already having a hard time with last order, and WORST just did her job.

WORST's statement made last order at verge of crying while accelerator caught her collar and glare at her.

He then tells,

"Bitch! if you are tired of living then say another word. And you brat! I told you i was forced to go with her and you know how she is!! So stop being a brat and stop crying damnit!"

"But she told misaka that you ate from her hand! says misaka as misaka recollects her words."

Said last order while coming towards accelerator.

He was still holding WORST's aodai's coller and then WORST tells,

"See,how close we are! hahaha!".

When she said that,accelerator realizes and quickly let go of her. Well,actually their face were really......close when he was holding her coller, really!

Before last order could say anything, Yoshikawa tells,

"The number one was threatened? Don't you think it's kinda hard to believe?"

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