Chap 65: Operation Follow on!

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He was lying down on the couch after giving up on 'taking yomikawa inside her room.'

The spartan woman was still taking sips from a canned beer that she bought at some point of the day.

"Ahhhaa!! What a blissfull day! The sunlight is so warm-jaaaaan!"

"Tch. Shut up. Don't spit nonsenses."

"In a sunny day like this <hic>, the weather is very good! At this time, every 60 seconds in Academy city, a minute passes around the world <hic>, but together-,"

"Yoshikawa!!!! Take that damn hag away from here!! She is getting on my nerves!!"

Come to think of it, yoshikawa haven't made a sound for a while now. Could this be that, she fell asleep?! It didn't took a long time for accelerator to understand that. Now he has no way but to bear with this annoyance untill she passes out drunk.

"Ahhaa! What a blissfull day!-,"

"Shut up. Just drink more and fall unconscious already."

At a time like this, someone other than themselves entered the living room. Accelerator looked at them and saw it was Mina.

"Now what do you want?"

"No. I was curiouse about alchohol, so i thought this would be a perfect chance to experience it."


Like an elegant cat, she walked to yomikawa and sat beside her. Seeing her, yomikawa's face lit up!

"Oh? You also drink? Come on, let's drink together. It's never fun alone-jan!"

There had been a line in common among drinkers. 'It's never fun alone'. So, finding a drinking buddy was a first thing to them. This time, Yomikawa Aiho found another drinking buddy inside her own house. So, she gladly wellcomed her.

Thus, the second round of yomikawa's drinking begun. So as accelerator's annoyance.

Mina was not actually a human. So she couldn't get drunk. But that didn't stopped her from being annoying to accelerator.

Yomikawa would spit nonsenses in drunken state, which was annoying enough. But Mina's honest review about the taste, percentage of alchohol, and advice to improve was equally annoying. And from the looks of it, the event has only begun and far from ending.

He couldn't do anything in this situation. And again, the strongest monster of academy city found himself helpless against his family members.

"Tch. Normal life my ass."


At last, it was morning. At kamijou Touma's apartment, it was also morning.

"Touma touma, the alarm has rung! And so as my belly. Now get up and prepare breakfast for me!"

"Yes yes. Just wait a bit okay?"

Touma was already awake. He already got used to it. So, he wakes up a little early, makes food for themselves and extra for index, then he goes to school. Today he also did the same.


Today, Accelerator woke up early. More like he couldn't sleep at all. The two adults talked nonsenses about sake and drinks almost till morning, and he had to endure it all.

So, the first thing he did after waking up from his little 2-3 hours sleep was go outside and grab some coffee. Because they were out of stock at home.

He walked to a store, took some can coffees, paid the bill and left the shop. He then walked through the sideways in search of a suitable place for drinking coffees alone.

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