Chap 9:The Closet Yandere-chan!

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Accelerator was forced to company another Misaka,Again.Not that he doesn't accompany.Specially Last order.They often goes out to the family resturant to eat when yomikawa isn't home.So it was a regular eating out routine to accelerator so he decided to not to complain.
It was a regular eat out season untill,Last order decided that they will visite the amusement park in which accelerator was,let's say 'not happy'.

At the amusement park,3rd POV...

Last order was pulling accelerator to place to place to ride variouse rides.Accelerator just gave up earlier after Last order forced him to ride the 'horse back ride' with her.He was lucky that there wasn't anyone present who could recognise him.
After he discovered that he cannot defeat Last order,He decided to play alongside the tides.So now they were heading towards the roller coaster.The employee told that Last order cannot ride because of her height.She started to complain to accelerator.She says,
"That's not fair!Misaka would've been bigger if she wasn't removed from the capsule earlier.Misaka really wanted to ride that thing that she saw on the T.V. that day,says misaka as misaka looks for another funny ride.Oh misaka found one!!"

After 2-3 hours of riding rides,They finally comes out of the amusement park and when accelerator thought that this ends,Last order declares that they will now go to the hospital's SISTERS section to show other SISTERS what she bought at the amusement park.Accelerator just made annoying face and told,
"Do whatever you want!".
Then he calls a taxi and they head towards the hospital.

At the hispital,3rd POV...

When they reached the hospital,it was already noon.Not that the hospital is too far,They spent more time at the amusement park that's all.
Then last order called up the other sisters and they met inside a room while accelerator was 'forced' to stay with them hearing their conversation.So at first he thought about reflecting the sound but Last order anticipated this and warned him,
"You are not gonna reflect misaka's words are you?says misaka as misaka looks at you with suspiciouse eyes,hmmm".
Accelerator just 'tch'ed and said,
"Ok i won't,now start your meeting,and finish it,hurry".

While the 'meeting' was ongoing,accelerator just sat there on a chair while drinking a can coffee which the SISTER with the earrings bought him.

There were 7 SISTERS present at that time and last order was giving random items to each of them.They were taking them and was making straight honest comments about them.Accelerator thought,
'I like the fact that they makes honest comments at things.Unlike some humans who throws some fabricated words at someone just to not to be rude!'
'They affected my life so much that i started to change.My thought process started to change,the change that should happen a long time ago.Though it's not too late to change.There are still many of them alive for me to save them.It's not like it would make any difference to the fact that my sin cannot be forgiven.But that doesn't mean that i cannot save them.That's right,I pledged to myself after the world war 3 that i will devote my life to them.I will bring every wish of them to reality,even if it means my death'.

Accelerator was thinking about things when a familiar voice called him,
He looked at the door to see that his self proclaimed pupil Esther rosental was standing there.He was surprised a little to be honest.He didn't expect her to see at academi city again.It's not like he wanted to.
She then comes toward him and says,
"I never thought i would find you here!are you still sick?why are you still at hospital".
Accelerator looks at her,she was waring her casual outfit(a/n:i live the explaination to readers,i am not good with dress explainations).He then says,
"I am here just to visit.And what are you doing here?".
"I was free,so i thought why not visit academy city again,and when i reached here,i thought why not look for master,and then i came here and saw you entering,so i was lucky i guess to find you here,or i had to search the whole academy city to find you,Master".Says esther with a smile.
Accelerator saw that last order and others were still discussing something.He then pays attention to esther again and says,
"Stop calling me that.Didn't i told you that i am not your master.And why do you want to meet me?".Says the albino.
She replies,
"Not any particular reason.Why should i need a reason to meet you?".
He didn't says anything and just stays silent.After a few moments,He asked,
"So,are you gonna stand there all day?You wanted to meet me,you met,so now do wahtever you wanted to do,go visit the academy city or do something else or reaturn home".
She then says,
"Actually my main reason to come here was to visit you of you were okay.And now that i have seen you,i think there isn't anything special to do".
Accelerator looks at her and says,
"So,are you gonna return home?"
"Wh-why this early?I just arrived here this mornig.And beside i wanted to eat those amazing academy city stuffs!But i have not any one to show me around".
She then grabs accelerators shoulder and gets colse to him and says,
"So,Master.Would you please take me to one of those places like you took me when i came here first?! I brought so much money with me this time".
Accelerator was about say something when he notices someone was looking at them from the door,Specially at esther.He looked and saw a girl was staring at them and it was not a pleasant stare either.It was,

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