Chap 2: The 'Nuisance'

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Yomikawa's appartment, 3rd POV

Accelerator was sitting on the dining table messing with some batteries identical to his chockers. Yomilawa was at school,Yoshikawa and Last order hase gone out to buy groceries and WORST was still sleeping.
Accelerator is trying to re-upgrade his chockers battey to get a little more 'esper mode' time thinking it would help in future. Also if he cannot upgrade then atleast carry one more battery with him.
He was doing 'who knows what' when WORST wakes up and comes to him. She first tries to analize what is going on and after a few moments later she asks,
"What are you doing tou-san?" In response accelerator stays silent and it makes misaka WORST annoyed.
She again asks,"What are you doing BEANSPROUT?"
This time accelerator gets a little irritated and tells without looking at her,"I am making food for you can't you see?".
In response WORST flinchs and says,"How are you making food? I am seeing you are messing with some batteries."
Then accelerator growls a little and says,"If you can see that i am messing with batteries then why bother asking?" WORST shrugs and tells,
"You are being too grumpy.Anyway where is the brat and the hag?". Accelelrator tells,
"Like hell i know! Go look for them yourself."
WORST makes a grin and says,"Now,don't be like that tou-san."
Accelerator then says,"I am not in a good mood now so if you don't have a death wish then don't bother."
After hearing this WORTS's grin gets only bigger and she says,"Really?! You are not in a good mood? Then Misaka will give you 'special treatment' to lighten up your mood."
Accelerator glares at her and says,"I am trying to focus here,now scram."
Then worst says,"come on, if you behave like this,you can't ever make friends."
Then accelerator says,
"Really! like you are very good at making friends. How many 'friends' did you made?!"
WORST gets a little startled. Then tells,"Heh! Of course misaka made friends, actually this misaka made a quite lot of friends to be precise." Accelerator got a little curiouse and says,"Like?"
Then WORST tells,"That narcisstic cyborge girl,Kuro-nyan,kuroyoru,umidori. See,a lot."
Accelerator then says sarcasstically,"Aren't they the same person?"
Then WORST says,"Doesn't matter, misaka made at least one friend,but what about you? How many friends do you have?"
Accelerator then says borely,
"I don't give a crap on this friendship shit. Now shutup and scram,let me think about it."
WORST curiousely says,
"What kind of upgrade are you thinking tou-san? You can tell Misaka, misaka may not look like, but Misaka knows a lot about electronics. Maybe misaka can help you."
Then accelerator says,"Like hell you are gonna help me. Now don't waste my time and Get out."
"Aww..Misaka really wanted to 'help' you. But anyways,you are as grumpy as ever,you are no fun." She says and then lefts.Accelerator then continues his 'work'.

It's past noon. Last order and yoshikawa still haven't returned. Accelerator made quite a few upgrade on his chocker. First he made the capacity bigger. Now it can give standby over 72 hours and near one hour 'esper mode'. Then about the charging, now it can be charged via flawded electricity means any electromaster with enough electricity can recharge the battery. And the charging speed is significantly faster than before. What he did to make this kind of upgrade? Don't ask😑

Just when his battery was completed, he called WORST to run a test. When WORST came, he told,
"I am gonna make a little experiment, cooperate."
Then WORST asked,"What kind of experiment? How should misaka help? Why should misaka help?"
Then accelerator says pointing a specific spot,
"You just have to aim you electricity at my chockers 'this' spot. And you have to do only that. And for why should you help me? If you don't help me, then i will make you help me!" 
WORST grins and tries to tell some thing but then Last Order and Yoshikawa comes.

Last order runs towards the couch saying, "I am home, says misaka as misaka plans to tell you an interresting story, huh?"
When she saw that accelerator is not on the couch, she starts to search for him.

Seeing last order, WORST's grin gets bigger as she says,
"Okay tou-san, Misaka will help you." Saying that she walks towards accelerator at the same time Last order comes to the dining table.
Seeing this,WORST immidiately sits on accelerators lap and starts to flaw electeicity at the chocker.
Seeing WORST work, accelerator growls and tries to push off WORST but WORST was deffinitely stronger in physical capabilities. So accelerator strugles putting her down.
Seeing this, Last order Immidiately starts shouting,"You two-timer! Says misaka as misaka feel jealou- no angry."
Accelerator didn't notice Last order and after her shout he notices her and growls to WORST,
"Get off me you bitch!who told you to sit here?!".
WORST says while clinging into accelerators body with all her might,
"Ah..!? Don't be like that honey, you told me to help you and now you are refusing?"
Then accelerator Shouts,
"Who the fuck told you to do this?!Do only what i said and get off or else you are gonna regret."
Then WORST lets go and says,
"Tch, you are Being too grumpy tou-san. Like this you can never make any friends in your lifetime."
She tells and leaves without giving any chances to Accelerator to respond.

After she left, last order comes and says,"What were you doing?!"
"Nothing brat,oh actually i have a job for you."
After hearing this, Last orders mood swithes 180° and she tells,
"What What! Misaka will do anything you tell her to do.HmmHmm!" 
"Come here and hit some electricity here" he tells showing a certain spot on his chocker.
Last order happily runs toward him and starts to flaw electricity into his chocker while while sitting on his lap.

Accelerator was busy ovserving the electricity flaw that he didn't notice last order sitting on his lap.

Then one more time WORST comes and hits the final hit saying that,
"I knew it!! Tou-san is a lolicon. You pushed misaka off when misaka sat on your lap, and now you are enjoying when the brat sits there!!"
Accelelrator stares at WORST and before he could say anything, WORST runs off from there saying,
"Misaka have to inform this information to as many people as possible."
Last order looks confused and accelerator just sits there and says,

A/N: so here is the 2nd and hope you liked it.👍

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