6. The Audition

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April 15th, 2014

Monday came really fast for the young Olsen, he was going to miss school for about 2-3 days since he's in LA. When Eli and Lizzie both settled down in LA on Sunday the young Olsen always seemed to be amazed by LA. Even when Eli only visits for 2 days to stay with his sister he always acts like it's his first time there. Since Lizzie is living on her own she even has a little room for Eli. The two of them on Sunday night had a practice prep of how it was probably going to go down. Eli was excited but deep down he was so nervous, but he hoped it would go away if he slept it off.

"Eli. Hey Bubs get up!" Lizzie shook him to get him awake. Eli did a little whine before he pulled the covers over his face, Lizzie shook her head a bit before she pulled over overs off of him. "Lizzieeee..Just 5 more minutes.." Eli said as he then put the pillow over his head. Lizzie chuckled a bit "Eli come on or do you not want to eat before your audition today?" Lizzie stated as she crossed her arms. Eli took the pillow from off his face and looked at her, he then sat up in the bed and did a little stretch. "I-I'm up!.." he stated as he then did a little yawn. Lizzie walked over to him and booped his nose before she scrunched her nose "well come on before the breakfast gets cold." Lizzie stated as she then walked out of the small room.

Eli got out of bed and went over to his little suitcase and picked out a pair of jeans and a black widow shirt. He then grabbed his Godzilla hoodie and put it on, he then felt warm and snug. Right when he was about to go out of the room he heard his phone buzz on the desk next to the bed. "Huh?" He said as he tilted his head. "ELI!" Lizzie called for him. Eli did a little shrug as he then ran off to to kitchen.

"There you are! I made your favorite." Lizzie stated as she then put down a plate of scrambled eggs and french toast on the table. Eli smiled as he walked over to the table "thank you Lizzie!" Eli said as he then sat down at the table. Lizzie smiled at him before she she walked over with her plate and sat at the table with him. "You ready for your audition today?" She asked as she took a bite of her french toast. Eli nodded "yep! I'm kind of scared though.. I haven't really audition for anything.." Eli stated as he started to eat again. "Well it's just like doing a play. Ok? But your just reading a part off a script or just remembering a part from the script." Lizzie stated. "Oh ok. Just like a play! Got it!" Eli smiled at Lizzie before he started to eat his eggs. Lizzie smiled at him before they both started to finish up.

Time skip

While the two where in the car driving to the studio Eli felt himself starting to panic a bit. He would look out the window then pick at his nails, he tried to not make it that obvious so he would hum to try to calm his nerves down but it didn't work. When they finally came to a stop Eli just panicked, he started to hyperventilate and he was about to break down into tears at any moment. Lizzie looked at him through the review mirror and she acted fast, she quickly got out of her seat and ran over to Elis side. "Elijah. Hey hey!.. it's ok your ok." Lizzie said in a soothing tone as she held Elis hand. Eli had tears rolling down his cheeks, he tried to calm himself down still but it didn't work.

Lizzie scooted him over and she sat next to him in the car. She then laid his head against her chest "Eli tap or squeeze my hand to my heartbeat." Lizzie stated as she started to rub Elis back. Eli closed his eyes as he started to listen to her heartbeat, he then grabbed Lizzies hand and squeezed her hand to her heartbeat. Lizzie kept rubbing his back "ok good..your ok I'm here. Keep doing that." Lizzie stated. Eli then calmed down and kept doing that before he took a deep breath and stopped. "You ok now Bubs?" Lizzie asked as she then looked down at him. Eli looked at her and did a little nod "y-yeah..thank you Liz.." Eli gave her a small smile. "Good. Now don't worry I'll be there with you. And after when we are done here we can go back to my place and we can cuddle sound good?" Lizzie said before she kissed his forehead. "Sounds good." Eli smiled at her before they then got out of the car and started to head to the building.

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