48. Interviews & Premiere Day

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2 weeks later
October 1st

Eli was sitting in a hotel room with Lizzie who was out getting things for the premiere. And by that she was out getting his suit that the twins made him. Eli went on his phone and opened YouTube, he was surprised when he seen interviews pop up of the cast of Age of Ultron. He got curious and clicked on the video.

In the video

Interviewer- Hello! Today we have a few cast members from the new Avengers movie coming soon this year! Today I am here joined with Scarlett Johansson who plays Black Widow, Chris Evans who plays Captain America, and a new face here Elijah Olsen who plays Matteo Maximoff or so called Shadow.

S,C,E- Hello!

Interviewer- It's so nice to have you guys come up here. Now tell me Scarlett and Chris, how is it working in this new Movie?

Scarlett- well it was really fun. We got to have some actually new blood on the team and the cast was as fun as ever.

Chris- yeah! It was really fun having a new little face tagging along with everyone. And just the cast is always fun. And the best part about it all was traveling. Got to see some new sights while we where at work.

Interviewer- Ah! That sounds nice! Now how do you two think about the new faces? And was it fun having new blood to the cast?

Chris- oh yeah. It's always nice to see new people and new blood on the cast. Like they all brought joy and more energy to the team.

Scarlett- yeah it's really nice. Like nice that there's another woman on the team. Like don't get me wrong but there's so much testosterone. Sorry bug.

Elijah- it's ok auntie scar.

Everyone laughs at the small apology.

Interviewer- now Elijah. Tell me how does it feel to be in a marvel movie at such a young age? And how was the experience?

Elijah- it was cool! I got to see new things besides stay at home and play games. Um. Also acting in this movie was really fun! Even though I got casted and started working when I was 11 it was cool! And being in a marvel movie is wicked!

Interviewer- Aw! Your so sweet! Now, can you tell me a bit about your character and how your chemistry is with Aaron And Elizabeth?

Elijah- oh. Um. My character is the younger brother to Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, uh and he has gone through a lot of stuff and he just wants to follow in his brother and sisters footsteps! But Wanda and Pietro are very over protective of him. And the relationship with Aaron and Lizzie? Oh! Lizzie is my Momma! And it was fun acting along side her! It was like bonding time since she's always busy. And Aaron was funny and cool! He really did step in as a brother!

Elijah smiled at the video before he heard the door open, he then shut his phone off and looked towards the door. "Eli! I have our outfits!" Lizzie called out. "Oh ok! Wait do get ready now Momma??" Eli asked as he got up from the bed and walked over to her. "Yes baby. You need to get ready. It's going to be a long night. Plus we have to leave here soon to walk and sign things along with talking to people." Lizzie said as she put Eli's suit on the bed. "Oh. Ok" Eli said as he looked over at the window. "Your suit is going to be matching with the others. Your aunts made yours just your style too so it's comfy Bubs." Lizzie stated as she walked over to him and kissed his head. "Okay momma. So do I put my suit on now?" Eli asked. "Yes. You go get ready." She stated as she laid her dress out on the bed. Eli nodded and went over to grab his suit then went into the bathroom and got ready.

After about 5 minutes in the bathroom Eli came out and looked at his mother who just smiled at him. "Awe! Look at my handsome little boy!" She said as she walked over and peppered Eli's face with kisses. "Momma!" Eli whined. "Oh. Well here let me take a photo real quick then I'll fix up your tie." Lizzie stated. "Ok momma." Eli said with a smile. Lizzie soon grabbed her phone and smiled "ok say cheese!" She said. "Cheese!" Eli said as he smiled. Lizzie took the photos and smiled, she then sent them to the family group chat. "Ok now let's fix up your tie Bubs" she said as she put her phone down and walked over to Eli to fix up his tie.

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