46. Battle Scars

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The Next Day

Eli woke up to Lizzie rubbing his back. The little Olsen whined before he slowly turned on his side and tried to get more sleep. "Eli..baby come on it's time to get up.." Lizzie cooed. Eli whined before he closed his eyes tightly, which soon became a bad idea which he hissed in pain. "O-ow!.." Eli blurted out before he tears up. Lizzie sat up right away looked down at Eli, she gently grabbed her sons face as she looked at his face. Eli looked at his mother with his teary eyes, he then started to tremble from the amount of pain he was in. "Hold still.." Lizzie said as she soon started to look at Eli's black eye. Eli swallowed the lump in his throat before he just watched his mothers movements.

"It looks pretty bad bubs.. I'm gonna have to take you to the doctor while Robbie goes to the school." Lizzie stated as she now moved the hair out of Eli's face. "And we need to get your hair cut soon baby. But for now let's worry about your black eye. Come on. Let's go get you cleaned up again so we can head out." Lizzie stated as she got up from the couch. Eli let out a groan before he slowly got off the couch, he then followed Lizzie up the stairs into his room.

Eli sat down on his bed and watched his mother grab him something to wear. "Momma.. why is Robbie going to the school for?.." Eli asked as he watched her. "To go talk to the principal about the fight you got in." Lizzie said with a hint of anger in her voice. "Mama!.. Like I said yesterday!.. he's expelled..plus I'm pretty sure he's going to be moving soon.." Eli said as he started to now scratch at his face. Lizzie went over and stopped him from scratching his face. "Don't scratch your face Eli.. and well he's just going to go tell them about what happened then. So he's probably going to get you your school work for the rest of the week." Lizzie stated. "Oh.." Eli said.

"Now come on. Let's go." Lizzie said as she started to walk to the hallway bathroom. Eli stood up from his bed and followed her into the bathroom. "Sit. Let's see the damage now.." Lizzie said as she set down the clothes on the sink. Eli sighed before he sat down on the toilet. Lizzie soon helped Eli take his shirt off, she looked at his body to see if there was any scars they missed yesterday and to see the bruises and how they are now. Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the big bruises on Eli's sides. "Ok well no cuts on your body so that's good... but you got some nasty bruises on your sides and some small ones on your chest. Can you move well or does it hurt to move?" Lizzie asked as she looked at her son with a worried look. Eli raised his arms up a little bit before he slowly moved his body and twisted it slowly. "I Can move ok..but Im sore.." Eli stated as he then looked at his mother.

"Ok that's good. Now let's take care of your face." She said as she soon squatted down to his level. Eli let out a little huff before he looked at Lizzie worried eyes. Lizzie grabbed the warm washcloth and started to slowly dab his eye with it. Eli jerked his head away and hissed "that hurts!.." Eli blurted out. "Elihah.. hold still I have to clean your eye out. Your just going to make it worse.. now come on I'm almost done." Lizzie said as she put her hand on Eli's cheek. Eli did a sigh before he stopped his moving. Lizzie quickly and did her best on cleaning Eli's black eye, right when she was done she grabbed a different washcloth and started to clean Eli's scars that where on his face now. The little Olsen didn't move to her cleaning his cuts on his face now, the stinging on his face wasnt that bad compared to his eye.

Right when Lizzie got done cleaning his face she moved down to Eli's hands. "Ok now your hands don't look as bad. We can just put antibiotic cream and bandages on them." Lizzie stated as she soon started to clean Eli's knuckle scars with a different washcloth before she bandaged them up.

Right as she got done she helped Eli put his shirt on and she looked at her son who was looking down at his fingers. Elijah was staring at his bandaged hands before he felt Lizzie hand carefully make him look up. "Elijah.. you ok?" She asked as she gave him a sad worried look. Elijah didn't respond, all he did was look into her green eyes. He then felt himself tear up. He then shook his head before he let out a sob "n-no.." he said in between his sons. Lizzie did a little sad sigh before she brought Eli in for a hug. "Your ok.. I'm here now baby..don't worry.." she said in his ear. Elijah just sobbed and held onto her shirt tightly "I have these voices in my h-head..a-and I keep seeing dads b-body..a-and E-Ethan said it's all m-my fault.. and I-I should have died!.." Eli said in between his sons and cries.

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