45. School Trouble

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(Tw: bullying, blood)

5 weeks later
September 6th

Eli has been doing good in school surprisingly. Even though the school is small and is a private school he's been doing very well. Only a couple of his teachers know of him and his family but treat him as a student equally. Now for the kids only about 4 kids noticed him, since they seen him in the trailer for Avengers AOU. But Eli just shook it off and decided to go along with his days in school. He would want to make friends but the people he's been around have a rude attitude and act snobby because they are rich. But to Eli he went along and made new friends, it consisted of 2 girls and 1 other boy and Eli was fine with it. And from what they told him was that they didn't care about his fame they just wanted to be friends with him for the kid he is. Plus he never realized that both the girls in the friend group acts as if their his mother. Now Eli didn't mind since he found it funny and nice. His new friends are also older than him as aspected but he didn't mind.

His new friends is Hope being the oldest at 14, Marcus being 13, and Lena being 12 just like Eli but she's older by 2 months. Elijah didn't mind the friends he had but his first friend group would always stay at the top. And to Eli's surprise his new friends also hung out after school with him 3 times during the 5 weeks. Of course Robbie didn't mind since he was getting back to working with his band and Eli had a key to the house. Now you may be wondering where Lizzie is. She's been busy with small interviews and things going on still up in Alaska still for Wind River. Eli just lost hope in seeing her until the premiere for Avengers AOU which is October. So he just distracts himself with homework and both his friend groups.


Elijah is sitting through his Math class "learning" about how to solve a problem with long division. But Eli already knew how to do it since he's already done with when he was on online school. To his surprise he's learn half the things in school for 7th grade. All he just does is do the work and turn it in. Now his classmates think he's so smart but in reality he's already learned it all. Eli has his trouble here and there but he gets help from his friends during lunch.

As Eli was sitting in his seat he felt as if someone was staring at him. Eli soon looked over next to him and he seen a boy who just was glaring at him. Elijah just turned his head back around and swallowed the lump in his throat before he went ahead and started to work on the worksheet the teacher handed out earlier during the class that morning. Of course the reason behind the glaring boy was that Eli supposedly stole his spotlight, but he just was there getting his school in so he can graduate when he's older. And of course the boy who's name was Ethan, always would pick on Elijah. And by that he would trip him or throw food at Eli when he's going to go sit with his friends. And the worse thing about it is that Elijah walks home and so does Ethan. And that's a living hell for Elijah since his friends aren't around to save him. It also never helped that Ethan was way taller than him. So every time when they go home Elijah would just run home and he would always loose Ethan thank god for that.

As Elijah was sitting doing his work he seen a balled up piece of paper fall on his desk. Elijah looked up and over at Ethan who was now snickering while he did his work. Eli shook his head before he then opened the balled up paper. As Eli looked at the paper he felt his gut drop 'Your Dad killed my Dad. Killer. You should have died.' The note said. Elijah soon felt as if the world stopped, he then looked over at Ethan with a blank look. Ethan just gave him a glare before he turned around and looked at his work. Eli just looked back down at the paper before he crumbled it up and pushed it aside. He then just shook off the feeling of that car crash and just kept on doing his work. 'Killer..I'm not a killer. If anything his dads a killer.. my dad was never a killer either.. today isn't going to be a good day at all..' Eli had said in his mind as he continued his work and started to now finish it up.

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