42. Interview & Games

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3 months later
July 10th 2015
10:35 am

Eli was in the middle doing Physical Therapy. He's been going to physical therapy once a week every week after he got his cast off. He had to go so then he could get his leg stronger again. And right now he has next week which will be his final week of PT. The little Olsen is excited for that, even though he gets a full on workout on his legs he won't miss it. On the bright side he's been getting back in the groove of dancing again. Ever since Elijah got casted for Matteo Maximoff he didn't have the time for dancing or sports anymore. But now he's been glad to get some dancing in.

"Alrighty Eli. Now let's head outside and get you doing one lap around the parking lot. Then your done." Elijah's trainer told him. "Ok Mr. Hanson." Eli said as he then got off the treadmill. The both of them went outside in the back parking lot. Elis trainer then made him stand on the line and made him get in a ready position. As Eli was standing there getting ready to run around the small parking lot he cleared his mind. "Go!" Mr. Hanson said as he then watched Eli take off running. As Eli was running around the small parking lot he felt as if he was flying. His leg didn't feel as if he was about to give out and collapse, all he did was smile and kept running. He was happy that he was now able to fully run on his feet again without feeling the need to fall.

Right as Eli made it back from his small run he took a breather and smiled brightly at his trainer. "Good job Elijah! You did amazing! I remember the first time I told you to run around this small lot, you literally jogged and told me that you where about to fall halfway through. Now I can see you've made big progress. Good job lil dude!" Mr Hanson stated as he then gave Eli a high five. "I feel better now than I did before!" Eli stated as they both walked back inside. "Well I'll see you on your final week here. Goodbye Mr Olsen." Mr Hanson said as he watched Eli walk over to Robbie who was now getting up. "Goodbye Mr Hanson!" Eli said back as he ran over to Robbie. Robbie smiled as he hugged Eli, "hey bud! How was today?" Robbie asked as the both of them started to leave the PT center.

"It was good! I was able to run and not feel the need to Fall dad!" Eli said with a excited tone. "That's good kiddo." Robbie smiled. Robbie was glad that Eli was now being more open with him, and even calling him Dad. Every time Eli would call him Dad Robbie can stop but smile. As Eli and Robbie both got into the car Robbie turned to the backseat to look at Eli. "Hey, why don't you come up and sit with me in the front seat?" Robbie asked as he turned the car on. Eli froze "uh. I like sitting back here dad.. I feel right sitting up there yet I feel to small for it." Eli said to try to curve away from the panic going on inside him. "Oh ok. We'll just know your aloud to sit up here kiddo." Robbie stated as he then pulled out of the parking space.

As they where driving Eli looking out the window before he looked over at his teddy bear Robbie gave him at the hospital. Eli reached over and grabbed the bear and held it close to him. The bear who he calls 'Goonie' stays in the car and is his emotional support teddy bear. The little boy seemed to cling onto the bear and hold him close while they go in the car. It would take away Elis traumatic memories of the crash and let him calm down. The only thing Eli is very scared to do is sit up in the front seat again, in the back seat he feels the most safest since he has Goonie with him and feels more secure.

As Eli was looking out the window with Goonie in his arms he looked at Robbie who was now talking to him. "Hey bud. When we get home you have to hurry and jump in the shower. You have interviews today with the cast. Scarlett and Aaron are going to watching you today since I have to go play with the band today." Robbie stated. "Ok dad. Wait- do I have interviews all day?" Eli asked as he held Goonie close to him. "Yes you do bud. That's why I already packed your bag when you where in Physical Therapy. Your nice suit for one of your interviews is in there along with some snacks, juice and your DS." Robbie stated as he kept his eyes on the road. "Oh ok. I'll get ready fast then!" Eli stated. "Ok good. Also I laid out your clothes on your bed for you to get ready." Robbie stated. "Ok dad." Eli said as he laid his head against the car window.

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