28. Christmas & meet up

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December 25th 2014


Eli woke up and he looked over at the window, he smiled and plopped out of bed. He then ran out the door with a huge smile on his face, he then ran to Lizzies and Robbies room. "MOMMA! ROBBIE! WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!" Eli yelled as he ran into the room and jumped on the bed. Lizzie and Robbie both groaned, Lizzie turned over and looked at the time on the alarm clock. "Elijah..it's 7 in the morning!..go back to sleep." Lizzie said tiredly. "But momma! I cant go back to sleep!!" Eli stated as he then crawled over to them. Robbie turned over to face the both of them with a tired look "your not going to let us sleep any more are you?" Robbie asked tiredly before he yawned. "Nope!" Eli said with a smile on his face. Lizzie looked at them with a smile before she Eli down to lay down with them. "Momma!! Noo!!" Eli started to squirm and get up. "Nope! I my baby cuddling me! This is for you waking me up Mister!" Lizzie stated before she kissed his head. Robbie scooted closer to them and hugged them "Merry Christmas you both." Robbie said before he kissed both of their heads. Lizzie smiled at him "Merry Christmas!" Eli stated before he giggled and just decided to give in a cuddle them.

After about a good 35 minutes have passed Eli picked his head up and saw that Lizzie was asleep while Robbie was half asleep. Eli looked at Robbie before he poked his face "Robbieee" Eli whispered. Robbie opened his eyes and looked down at Eli "hm..?" He responded. "I'm hungryyy.." Eli whispered to him before he felt himself get pulled in my his mother who was asleep. Eli looked up at Lizzie then looked back over at Robbie who smiled "I'll go make breakfast. Just let your mom sleep for a bit." Robbie whispered before he kissed there heads and got up and left the room quietly. Eli huffed a bit before he gave in and just cuddled up with Lizzie. While he cuddled Lizzie he started to remember the first time he cuddled Lizzie when he was younger.

5 years ago

6 year old Eli was playing in Lizzies room with the toys the twins bought him. He was playing with toy dinosaurs and cars, he really didn't care about anything but playing. He loved to play with toys and watch Blues Clues or Sesame Street. He didn't have a care in the world but play and watch tv, school was ok for him it was simple. He had his best friend Cole so life was good, it was even better that Lizzie and Trent would come home often. He would play or talk with them as siblings, even if they would be on the computer most of the time working on school. He missed the twins but they where off in NY with there work, but he was glad he still had Lizzie and Trent along with his mother. His father would often be at work but when he would be home he would cuddle with him on the couch and watch movies. That's when the young boy was introduced to the world of the MCU and loved it ever since.

While Eli was playing with his toys Lizzie was sitting on her bed working away on the computer. She was home for the week since it was spring break, she just had to finish up some paper work for her college class then she would be done and be free for the week. What they both didn't hear or see was the thunderstorm that was starting to form outside. Once Lizzie finally got done with her paper work she closed the laptop with a huff, she looked outside then over at the little boy who was playing away. Eli was bopping his head while playing, he was fine and enjoying his play time before it was interrupted with a big BOOM!

Elis eyes widened as he dropped the toys in his hands and screamed. The whole house rumbled and then soon after the power went out. This freaked the little boy out, he looked around the pitch black with fear shooting through him. "MOMMA! L-LWIZZIE!..TWENT!.." Eli called out before he started to sob. Eli heard the sound of footsteps coming up behind him before he then felt himself get picked up. He screamed by the sudden person picking him up "shhh! Shh! Your ok it's ok! Mo- Lizzies here. Your ok.." Lizzie said as she held the young boy close to her. Eli hugged Lizzie and sobbed. "Your ok baby..your ok bubs. I got you. It's just a nasty thunderstorm.." Lizzie stated before she walked over to her bed cautiously. She then laid down with Eli on top of her, she held him close while she rubbed his back.

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