31. The Diary

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2 days later

Eli was in his old room at his grandmas house, he was just laying down on his old bed looking up at the ceiling. He was so bored and yet he thought he would have fun, he forgot how boring he would be at his grandma's house. Then again he always talked to his friends right after school, but it was 11:45am and his friends where still in school. Eli sighed and sat up and looked around the room, once he didn't find anything entertaining in his room for the 3rd time he flopped back down on the bed.

Eli was at his grandma's house because Lizzie and Robbie where out on a lunch date, and he also just wanted to give them space. Since they would all be spilt up again when lizzie has an movie to shoot for. And plus Robbie would have to watch him and occasionally his grandma and aunts. Since Robbie has to go on tour a week in when Lizzie leaves.

Eli huffed as he rolled on his side and looked at his nightstand. He then raised and eyebrow and just looked at the drawer. He laid there for about 5 minutes thinking of what he left in there before the thought popped back into his head. His eyes widened and he sat up quickly "no no no! Please don't be gone!" Eli said to himself before he then opened the drawer. And soon and he seen it, he took a breath of relief. "Oh thank god" Eli stated as he then picked up the diary and looked at the cover of the book. "Hm..should I really look at this.." he talked to himself. "ELI IM RUNNING TO THE STORE! ILL BE BACK! IN 30 MINUTES!" His grandmother yelled out. Eli smiled a bit knowing he can read his aunts diary peacefully. "OK GRANDMA! LOVE YOU!" He yelled back, as soon as he yelled that his grandma left the house. Eli looked out the window and seen his grandma get in the car and drive off, he smiled and laid down on his bed and looked at the page he left off at last time.

October 26th 2002

Hey diary! It's been what about 3 years? Since I wrote in here? Yeah well I have to vent out what I have to hold in right now. I have to keep it a secret from mom and dad. So during an homecoming party that Lizzie went to she got and her boyfriend went and did the deed. Yeah well let's say Me and MK found out when Lizzie told us the next morning. And also since it's been a whole 2 months since then, and now lizzie is showing signs of pregnancy. MK went out to go get a Pregnancy test while I stayed behind to comfort little Lizzie. After MK got back with the test Lizzie went ahead and did the test, and after the wait we where right she's pregnant. Man Lizzie was so scared all she did was cry, I could imagine the stress she could be going through. I was happy for her but a bit pissed off since she's now going to have to take care of the baby and not live her life. But All I know is that me and MK will be here to support her. But now the scary part here is to have mom and dad know.

Next page

December 16th 2002

Hello Diary, so let's catch up from last time. So of course Lizzie me and MK all chatted. We talked about Lizzies options, she didn't want to do abortion so that's good, and she didn't want to give up the baby. She said she's going to keep the baby! When I tell you I hugged Lizzie so hard! I'm going to be an aunt! I cant wait!! Also the sad thing about all of this was Her boyfriend Jacob left her but we are here for her. And all on top of this is mom and dad. Mom wasn't to happy at first she wanted Lizzie to give up the baby. Unlike dad he wanted her to keep it. But soon enough mom came around and was happy to help Lizzie, then dad lashed out and got mad saying Lizzie should give up the baby and put it in a foster home or an orphanage. Of course Lizzie didn't listen to dad. No one ever does anyway, but now we are all just getting ready for the baby and trying to get Lizzie prepared. She's scared in all but she has me MK and mom. Trent on the other hand still doesn't know but Lizzie said she'll tell him soon. So yeah!

Next page

January 5th 2003

Ok! So update! Mom and dad have stopped fighting for the time being! Surprisingly they are both helping Lizzie out! So me and MK have shopped for baby clothes and are in the making of some for the little ones! Ok yeah! We found out Lizzie is having a baby boy and girl! Lizzie now she keeps humming and talking to herself. And I'm just really guessing it's her talking to her babies! Man I cant wait to see the little ones! But the only thing that's really odd is that Lizzie keeps getting sick every now and then. Mom and me noticed this and have been keeping and eye on her. Also When Trent found out about the babies he was so happy that he is becoming an uncle! But sadly he's up in college doing his own thing. But he has support for Lizzie! Also Lizzie has a name for the little ones and won't tell us! She's been getting on my nerves for not telling me! I really just want to know!

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