52.  Court & Custody

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(Long chapter brace yourselves 👁👁 and I am not sorry for what is to come- But sorry for the long wait! Enjoy!)

Tw: sad heartbreaks

January 27th 2016

After a long ending of 2015 the baby Olsen was done filming his movie with Sebastian. And just recently he got done filming Stranger Things. He was only added into the show for the last couple of episodes which it only took 2 weeks for him. He was glad to be part of another series but he was sad that his character technically died. The little Olsen was confused onto why his character where dying off, but he shrugged it off and just decided to not worry or think about it since he will have more acting jobs.

Right now Elijah was working on school work at 8:32 in the morning. Eli couldn't really sleep last night with a weird gut feeling, he was gonna go into Lizzie's room but he refused against it. So he's been up since 6 in the morning.

You may be wondering why he's doing school work instead of watching tv or playing his gaming conceals. Well he wasn't in the mood to play games and he didn't really want to watch tv since it was early in the morning. But he did his online schooling so he can get ahead and won't have to go back and work again later in the week.

As Eli was finishing up his Biology work he heard the door creak open. The boy turned around to see who was peeking in his room. "Oh good morning baby. I didn't think you where awake." His mother said with a warm smile. "Good morning momma. " Eli said with a smile. "Yeah I'm awake. I'm doing school. I got bored" he said as he soon turned around and started to look at the lab he was doing online. Lizzie tilted her head a bit before she walked into the room to see what Eli was working on. Once she was in the room fully she seen how Eli's alarm clock was still set for 9:30 for him to wake up.

The mother got curious and walked next to her son and seen him get into his work. As she watched Eli she noticed how her baby boy had noticeable eye bags and was kinda sluggish. "Hey bub?" Lizzie called out. "Hm?" Eli hummed out as he started to write down a formula on a sheet of notebook paper. "What time did you wake up?" She asked as she soon started to grow concerned. "Uh... About a couple hours ago.." Eli said with a small sigh after refusing to look his mother in her eyes. "Baby can you look at me please?" She asked. Eli froze for a bit before he put his pencil down, he soon but surely looked at his mother.

Lizzie seen the tiredness is Eli's eyes, she then did a sigh before going over to caress his cheek. "Baby did you not sleep well last night? Don't lie to me." She said as she soon started to rub her thumb against his cheek. Eli frowned a bit and leaned into her touch "I couldn't sleep well last night momma.. my brain was overworking itself and I felt anxious for no reason.. I feel like something bad is gonna happen and I'm scared.." He said sadly. Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows and soon brought her son into a warm hug. "Oh Bub..you know you could come and wake me up right? I would never get mad at you if you do come and get me in the middle of the night." She said as she soon looked at her tired sad baby boy.

"I d-didnt want to wake you up t-though.." Eli chocked out before he felt tears starting to burn his eyes. Eli knew that him being really sad and emotional was due to his tiredness, he he didn't care he was so tired and stressed. "I don't care if you wake me up. I care about your health and your needs baby. That's what I'm here for Elijah." She said as she soon kissed Eli's head a couple of times. Eli did a soft giggle before he soon let out a yawn, that's when he realized that he was really tired. Lizzie chuckled a bit before she soon picked Eli up making him do a small yelp. "Momma!" Eli blurted out as he looked at his mother who looked at him with a smile. "Put me down!. I'm not a baby.." Eli huffed out before he soon yawned again.

Lizzie chuckled before she kissed Eli's cheek. "You will always be my baby no matter what Gup. Plus your not that heavy and your not to big, you need to not grow up! Your the perfect size for me to carry you around still!" Lizzie stated before she soon started to walk out of Eli's room and towards hers. Eli did a huff before he leaned against his mother "n-no promises momma." Eli said tiredly. Lizzie just smiled at him as she kept walking towards the room. She knew that her baby boy needed more sleep, so she was going to help him sleep and let her boy sleep a bit longer for today. Even though her Robbie and Eli where supposed to go out today. But she decided to let her son sleep a bit longer today.

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