23. Back to the USA

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When the three got back at Aaron's place Eli went straight to the spare room to go pack up. He knew he had to pack up since Lizzie just came back to get him. Aaron and Lizzie both sat in the living room, Lizzie had explain a little bit more to let Aaron know what happened.

While Eli was packing he slipped on his marvel hoodie, he then sat on the bed. The young boy pulled out his phone and decided to finally look through Lizzies messages.


Eli I'm so sorry! I was in my garden my phone was inside. 5:24 pm
Hello??  5:47 pm
Eli mom just called me! You better answer her! She's freaking out! 6:03 pm
HELLO?! 6:35pm
HELLO! ELI! 6:35pm
BUBS! ANSWER! 6:42pm

Eli took a deep breath and just scrolled past the same text messages telling him to answer and call them. He then just shook his head and shut his phone off, he felt guilty and sad for putting Lizzie and his grandmother and his aunts and uncle through the pain. Eli then just started to day dream about what happened throughout the past 3 days. After about 5 minutes of Eli just staring off into space he felt a light tap on his shoulder that made him jump. When he looked over he seen Lizzie who had a worried look on her face. "You ok you where just staring off into space Bubs.." she said as she sat next to Eli. Eli looked at her with a sad look then looked down at his hands, he was fiddling with his fingers and bit the inside of his cheek.

"Eli..talk to me..please..I hate it when you get sad.." Lizzie stated as she looked down at Eli. "I'm sorry.." Eli blurted out. Lizzie looked a bit confused, she was about to talk but Eli beat her to it. "I'm sorry f-for making you guys w-worry..Dad- I-I mean Grandpa?..Grandpa..he took me to his house..we had fun playing bowling..and I was just mad that you the t-twins and Trent didn't answer me..he scared me..so I just went with him.." Eli took a breath before a started to talk again. "Then later the n-next day..um..I had a babysitter..and I found out it was really my dad..a-after that..me and Grandpa..got into a fight..He told me..h-he.." Eli stopped talking about his grandpa and just skipped over it. "After he told me something.. I-I got my laptop and bought a ticket using his money..I then left..I was still a-so mad at everyone for lying to me..so I-I came here..I-I'm sorry Lizzie..I didn't mean for everyone to get s-so worried about me.." Eli said as he started to sob.

Lizzie gave Eli a side hug and comforted him, she felt sad for him. Even though he did everything to make everyone worried she felt bad for him, she and everyone lied to him when he was nearly 1 years old. She felt a bit guilty for not having him just stick with calling her mom. She really did miss Eli calling her 'Mom' when he was learning how to walk and talk. But she was a bit relieved that he knew now, she knew she could finally have her son back. Lizzie knew she had to make things right, she had a game plan of what was going to happen when they head back to the US. But for now she has to comfort and help her son out, with the healing process.

"It's ok..you just gave us all a scare..just don't do that again..momma will help you..I promise..your ok my baby.." Lizzie said in a soothing voice before she kissed Elis head. Eli wasn't hugging Lizzie back but after she started to talk to him and calm him down. When Eli started to stop sobbing and finally calm down he gave in a started to hug Lizzie back, his mom. Lizzie felt a happy that Eli was hugging her back, but she kinda knew this was just baby steps. Eli missed her hugs, even though he was blinded by everyone's words by saying he was their baby brother. He felt safe and at home in Lizzies arm, he never knew why until now, he finally got the warmth of his mother's hugs. He does love Jarnies hugs but Lizzies gave him the secure warmth he needed. His mothers love and affection.

After about 5 minutes of them hugging Eli pulled back and gave Lizzie a small smile. Lizzie ruffled his short hair and smiled at Eli, she then gave Eli a kiss on his head. "Come on let's get going. Grandma and your aunts and uncle are worried sick about you still." She said as she got up. Eli nodded and got up as well "ok Lizzie." Eli said as he then got up from the bed.

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