12. Gathering & Sights

745 19 17

7:28 a.m

Eli woke up to the sun shining through the curtains, he sat up and did a little stretch and yawned. He must have been really tired from all the traveling since it was now morning, he looked over and saw Lizzie and Robbie still asleep in the bed next to his. He smiled before he got out of bed and walked to the little small table with chairs. He sat in the chair while he unplugged his phone that was plugged in, once he opened his phone he started to scroll through Instagram. He then smiled before he took a selfie of him with a cheeky smile, he did a quiet giggle before posting it.

"Cool!.." he spoke quietly as he then continued his little games. After about 5 minutes he then remembered his 'homework' he shook his head before quietly talking in his 'Sokovian' accent. He said small lines that he remembered with Lizzie and Aaron. "Bubby. Sissy. I'm scared. Hydra made me get these powers and they scare me." He spoke to himself quietly as he somewhat acted it out. He then stopped before he heard Robbie starting to wake up, the young Olsen boy looked at his phone and seen it was 7:50. He got a bit scared thinking he woke Robbie up but he just sat at the small table looking at him.

When Robbie fully woke up he looked over at Eli with a sleepy smile, The young adult then got out of bed slowly not trying to wake up his girlfriend. Once he got out of bed he walked over to Eli and ruffled his hair "morning lil man. You sleep good? You where knocked out when I came back." Robbie stated in a whisper while he sat down next to Eli. Eli nodded "I slept good. Sorry if I woke you up though Robbie.." Eli said with a bit of a frown on his face. Robbie shook his head before he placed a hand on his shoulder "you didn't wake me up. Really. I woke up on my own. To be honest with you when I got out of the shower after your sister was done I fell asleep too." He said with a smile. The young boy took a little sigh of relief before he smiled "oh ok. Well at least your not tired too!" Eli stated before he then heard a slight groan coming from the other side of the room.

The two males looked over and saw Lizzie who was slowly waking up. Lizzie turned over and looked over at them, she gave them a slight smile before she closed her eyes again falling asleep. Eli looked at Robbie while he looked back at the young boy, they both then bursted out laughing which made Lizzie open her eyes again and sit up slowly. Eli looked over at her with a smile "morning wIzZiE!" Eli blurted out. Lizzie looked at him before walking over to the two, she then kissed Robbie before looking at Eli who looked grossed out. Eli turned away from them before he continued to be on his phone, the two adults looked at him then laughed a bit.

After their little hectic awakening everyone got dressed and ready for their one day of touring around and meeting up with the others. Eli was beyond excited while Lizzie and Robbie where both just ready to see new sights.

Time skip

When Eli and the two adults got out of their hotel they went to on a small walk through the area they where in. Eli would take pictures of the area and send it to his mother, he even took some selfies with him and Lizzie and send them. He wanted to post the photos but he needed to ask Lizzie about it later on.

Once Eli and the two lovers sat down at a bench to rest the young Olsen hummed a little melody. Robbie and Lizzie looked over at Eli with a smile "hey nice tune bud. What song you humming??" Robbie asked. Eli stopped humming and looked over at him "oh..um I don't know really! I kinda hum random things. My friends call me Tunes when I space off and hum. I think it's funny!" Eli stated before he smiled. "Oh. Well you do have a mind of a singer. I would do the same thing when I was younger." Robbie said. "Really? Cool!!" Eli blurted out. Lizzie smiled at them before she looked at her phone and scrolled through the news.

Headline News!
Does Elizabeth Olsen have a son?!
Look at these images with Elizabeth Olsen and mystery child!!
Photos of Lizzie and Robbie with Eli at the airport, and Photos of Lizzie and Eli in the store shopping

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