43. Trauma

445 15 0

3 weeks later
2:34 pm

The little Olsen was fast asleep at his grandmas house. He was back in his old room just having a good all nap. The reason he was at his grandmas house was because Robbie had a small concert out of town and he wasn't going to be back for another 3 days. Robbie also didn't mind for Eli to tag along, but Eli wanted to spend time along with the Marvel Cast since today he was going to hangout with them today.

As Elijah was sleeping peacefully he heard the sound of someone opening the door. Elijah rolled on the other side of his back and continued to nap. But to Eli that was a bad idea in his defense, before he tried to continued to sleep he was woken by Trent by him flopping on him. "WAKE UP!" Trent yelled out. "AUGHH! OWH! TRENT! YOU DUMBBY! G-GET OFF M-ME!" Eli yelled out as he tried to somewhat fight and push Trent off of him. Trent laughed a bit before he got off of him "well now your up! You don't wanna be late for your meet up do you?" Trent said as he soon started to walk out of the room. Eli did a huff before he sat up in bed, he then let out a yawn before he looked over at his clock on the wall. He then did a little huff before he got out of bed "Hm.." he hummed out as he then walked over to his small suitcase he brought along.

Eli decided on wearing his Ireland shirt he got from the time he was up there filming along with some shorts. Elijah smiled down at what he was wearing before he looked down at his leg. He looked at the scars from the stitches that where there. He had a short moment before he started to feel as if he was back in that car crash again. He got a shiver before he heard his name being called. "ELIJAH!" His grandmother called out. Eli looked over at the door "YEAH GRANDMA?!" Eli yelled out. "TIME TO GO EEL!" Trent yelled out.

Elijah looked back at the time and seen it was now 3:30. 'How the crud?!' He blurted out in his thoughts. "OK IM COMING!" Elijah yelled out as he ran over to hurry up and put his shoes on. As he was doing that he quickly put on his necklaces and grabbed his phone and shoved it in his pocket. Elijah then ran down the stairs and jumped the last 2 steps. He looked at Trent with a smile "I'm ready!" Eli said as he then looked over at his grandma over in the kitchen. "Ok Elijah now remember to be on your best behavior. And to call either me or your Uncle when your done. Ok?" Jarnette said as she walked over to Eli and gave him a kiss on the head. "I know! And I will grandma!" Eli said with a smile. "Ok now I love you. And be good." She said as she gave Eli a hug. "Live you too!" Eli said back before he let go and ran out the door. Trent smiled before he grabbed his keys "I'll be back!" He said to his mother as he followed Eli out the door.

Eli was outside waiting in front of his grandmothers car. He left Goonie inside the car in the back since he always has his car buddy in there. As he was waiting out the door of the car he seen Trent start walking over to his car. Elijah's eyes widened a bit before him and his uncle made eye contact. "Hey. You coming?" Trent asked as he got in his car and started it. Elijah just nodded slowly as he looked at Trent's sports car "o-ok..don't freak out Elijah..you got this..wait..Goonie..no!..your 12 years old!..you don't need a silly bear.." Eli told himself quietly as he walked over to Trent's car.

Right when Eli made it to the car he seen that it was exactly how Jacob's car was, no back seats. This is when Elijah felt the need to panic more inside. "You gonna sit down or what Eel?" Trent asked as he was adjusting his mirrors. Eli took in a shaky breath and nodded, he then sat down in the seat all stiff. "Ok put your seatbelt on little dude. Then we will be off." Trent stated as he then started to pick a playlist from off his phone to play on the radio. Elijah just nodded and quickly put his seatbelt on. 'Ok. Your ok. Your ok. Trent won't crash. He's a great driver! Your fine!.. but Dad was a good and safe driver. W-what if there's a crazy dude again that crashes into us. Oh no! I don't wanna die!.. I want Robbie! I want my mama! I'm gonna die!' Eli had all the thoughts where going rapid through his mind. As Trent started to pull out of the drive way he didn't really see the panic in Elijah, he was more focused on the road.

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