50. Back to Action!

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November 1st 2015

Eli was sitting back again in the studio on a set for a new movie he is making along with Sebastian Stan. He didn't really expect to get back into filming again since he was just now getting back into school. But he was happy to be filming again and this time with Sebastian Stan. From his knowledge of the movie he's filming is that he is the son of Sebastiana character. And from what he's seen on the script Sebastians character is a single parent trying to keep his character happy. But Eli's character is getting bullied about his dead mother. But soon come to find out Eli's character gets killed by a drive by shooter. And then he read about how Sebastians character is on the hunt to kill the person who killed his son.

Eli was surprised when he skimmed through the script. But he was scared for the bullying parts since he had to deal with the bullying when he did school. Other than that he was also surprised about him doing a death scene. He didn't know how to quite do it, so he was scared for it. But he was glad he had Sebastian to be there with him. The other plus about it is that he was technically getting babysat by him since they both have the two films in common. And also Lizzie asked Sebastian to watch over him.

But besides the point of the filming he was really sad that he had to go back to online schooling yet again. He was glad that he got to make new friends again since now he's going to be busy again for a new movie.

Right now the little Olsen is sitting in hair and makeup getting ready for the day, The thing that he really gets bored of. As he was sitting in the trailer getting his hair cut and fixed up he watched as Sebastian soon came walking in. "Oh. Hey lil dude!" Sebastian said as he soon came over and sat down in the seat next to him. "Hi Seb." Eli said tiredly. "Hm? You sound tired. Did you mom keep you up all night??" Sebastian asked. "No- uh well kinda." He said as he watched the lady who was situating his hair start to style his hair. "Kinda? What where you guys doing?" He asked. "All day yesterday I had to do fighting training with a trainer. Then I went to dance practice. And thennn me and momma stayed up rehearsing my lines." Eli said as he soon did a huff.

"Sounds like you had a busy day." The lady said as she soon smiled at Eli. "Yep I agree." Sebastian agreed. "Ok. Almost done just have to put makeup on over your eyebrow slit." The lady stated. "Okayyy" Eli said as he soon looked down at his fingers. Sebastian smiled at him before he got up "ok bud. I'll see you out on set." Sebastian stated as he soon left to go off to his trailer. "Ok! Byeee!" Eli blurted out. He then sat there and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at how he had his hair gelled and up with his curls partly showing.

Time skip

Eli was on set with Sebastian, he was looking over his script one last time before they started again. Sebastian was sitting next to Eli but he was getting his hair and makeup touched up a bit.

Eli was soon looked up when he heard the director "alright! Let's get back to the top again! Places!" The director stated. Eli went over and put his script down on his chair and rushed over to his spot of set which was out of the video frame. "And. Action!" He heard the director.

Eli or well his character Zander Moore came walking into the room with his backpack on. He soon flopped his bag down on the ground as he soon flopped down on the couch. "Zan? Is that you bud??" Sebastian blurted out from the kitchen. "Yeah Dad! It's me!" He responded as he soon did a huff.

Sebastian soon came walking into the room, he then sat down next to Eli. "Hey? You ok Zan? You look exhausted." Sebastian said in a worried tone. "Yeah I'm fine. School is tiring.." he said in a tired voice. "I bet.. so how was school?" He asked as he soon turned on the tv. "It was okay. I guess.." he said in a sluggish voice. "Just ok? You know you can tell me if something is bothering you? I'm always here to listen bud." He said as he looked down at the boy laying down on the couch. Eli was quiet for a bit before he sat up and took a deep breath in. "What was mom like?.." he asked as he soon looked at Sebastian.

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