30. Photoshoot

563 17 4

January 4th 2015

7:59 am

Eli was sleeping in just enjoying and relaxing before things on his schedule start to make him get up and get to work along with his mother. Eli was soon awaken by Lizzies soothing voice "Bubs..come on it's time to wake up." Lizzie said as she caressed her sons cheek. Eli squinted his eyes and did a little whine. "Come on Roo. Aaron is excited to see you again." Lizzie said in hope to get her son out of bed. Eli soon after opened his eyes a bit and looked at Lizzie with a tired look. "There's my sweet little boy. Now come on you have to get ready. I made breakfast already." Lizzie said with a smile before she got up.

Eli sat up and yawned before anything, he looked over at Lizzie and gave her a little smile. "O-ok momma.." Eli said tiredly. Lizzie smiled at him before she then left his room to go get a backpack ready for the photoshoot. Eli got out of bed and went over to go change out of his jammies. Eli just simply put on gym shorts and a simple tee shirt, he then went ahead and walked out of his room to go head downstairs. Once Eli got downstairs he seen Robbie who looked like he was getting ready to leave. "Ah! Lijah! Morning." Robbie said with a smile before he tied his shoe. "Morning Robbie..where you going?" Eli asked as he walked over to the kitchen to go get his food. "I'm heading out to go see the band. We're working on some new songs. I'll be back later though ok?" Robbie stated as he then walked over and grabbed his keys. "Oh ok Robbie. I'll see you later then!" Eli said with a smile as he then started to eat. Robbie smiled at him, while he was walking pasted Eli he gave him a kiss on the head and went to go say goodbye to Lizzie. Eli was a bit shocked at Robbie but then smiled and just continued to eat his breakfast that Lizzie made.

After breakfast

The little Olsen was now on his phone scrolling watching funny videos on YouTube just for time to pass by. Lizzie was packing up some clothes for Eli to wear at the photoshoot and some extra clothes for just his photoshoot that's later on after.

As Eli was watching videos on YouTube he seen a text message from Jacob, what Eli didn't Joke was Lizzie looked over and seen the message. "Who's that?" Lizzie asked as she then looked at Eli. The little boys expression went into a panic look "my friend!.." is all Eli said before she just looked back down at the video that was playing. Lizzie got a suspicious feeling about what her son but she ignored it and went ahead and got everything ready.

Once she got done packing some clothes in the bag she got up and put the bag over her shoulder. "Ok Roo let's get going. Don't want Aaron to be waiting." Lizzie stated before she then went ahead and left the room. Eli smiled and turned his phone off  "ok! I'm ready!" Eli blurted out before he then got up and ran out of the room.

In the car

As Eli was in his seat in the car he just looked out the window. He heard the slight humming of Lizzie while she was driving, but he found it soothing. Eli could have been playing on his phone or DS but he gotten lost into his daydream.

All he was daydreaming was about how him Lizzie and Robbie where having fun like a normal family would. But then once Jacob came into the picture Eli didn't know what to do. He wanted to be apart of his dads family but Lizzie didn't want him to be. All the little boy could do was just play it off keep Jacob a secret from Lizzie. He knew he had to keep this hidden for as long as he can, he did really want to have a father in his life. Even though Robbie was there for him Jacob was there half the time, Eli didn't know how to think about this.

"Eli!" Lizzie blurted out as she turned her head to him. Eli snapped out of his daydream/thoughts and looked at Lizzie. "Yeah?" Eli looked at Lizzie. Lizzie gave him a small smile "where here and are you ok? You've been thinking real hard there." Lizzie stated. Eli nodded "yep I'm fine! Just a little nervous" Eli stated, he was actually nervous but then again he just pushed his thoughts in the back of his mind. "Ok well we're here." Lizzie stated as she then got out of the car. Eli looked and saw the building, he smiled a bit before he too then got out of the car.

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