47. Uncle Blue!!

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2 days later

Eli was outside in the backyard with Robbie and Lizzie. He was goofing around with Robbie while Lizzie attended to her small garden. Eli was hiding behind a small bush while he was watching Robbie trying to find him. Robbie was walking around trying to find him. They where both playing a small game of hide and seek even though it first was tag. Eli giggled a bit before he watch Robbie pass him. "Elijah! Where are you??" Robbie called out. Eli smiled before he went on his knees and hands to get on the ground more. "Lijahhhh!!" Robbie called out again but he sounded much farther away.

Eli smiled a bit before he got up slowly, he peeked from the bush to see if he can make a run. Right as he was about to run he heard a twig snap. Eli turned around and seen Robbie who was standing still, Eli then let out a little scream before he ran away. "NO DONT GET ME!" Eli yelled out before he started to laugh. Robbie started to run after him while he laughed "you little cheater! Get back here! This is not how hide and seek works!" Robbie yelled out as he ran behind him. Lizzie looked over at them before she smiled "hey! Careful!!" She yelled out before she went back to her garden.

As Eli was running he tripped over one of Lizzie's watering can. Robbie and Lizzie both snapped their heads up and looked over at Eli. Robbie quickly ran over to Eli to see if he was ok. "Eli Eli! Are you ok?!" Robbie asked urgently as he looked him. Lizzie dropped everything and ran over to see if Eli was ok. Eli kept his eyes shut, he knew what he was doing but he did it in a harsh way that he never meant to do it in. The youngster held the hose that was running, as soon as he felt Robbie's hands on him he opened his eyes and sprayed Robbie. Robbie quickly dropped him before he grabbed the hose from Eli and threw it to the ground. "HEY! WHAT THE HECK! ELIJAH!" Robbie yelled out before he looked down to see Eli laughing.

Eli held his stomach and just laughed, he soon looked up to see Robbie who had an angry look before he too started to laugh. As he was catching his breath he watched as Robbie give him a playful glare and looked down at the hose. Lizzie raised a brow before she watched what was about to go down. She stepped back and just watched them. "Dad.. Daddy. Papa. Padre. Come on! IT WAS JUST A JOKE!" Eli blurted out before he tried to stand up. "Oh this is payback lil man!" Robbie stated before he sprayed Eli with the hose. Eli held his hands up covering his face as he laughed and tried to block the water from his face. "DAD!" Eli yelled out before he soon felt the water stop. Robbie smiled as he put the hose down and laughed along with Eli.

Lizzie shook her head before she looked at them, she crossed her arms as she soon glared at them while she cleared her throat. "Uh oh." Eli said as he looked over at Lizzie who tilted her head slightly. Robbie looked at her before he looked at Eli and soon helped him up. "Babee." Robbie said before he was cut off by Lizzie. "Ah! No. Look at you two! Your all filthy! You both are not stepping foot into the house until you dry off!" Lizzie stated before she picked up the vegetables and fruits she picked. "Mama!" Eli blurted out before he got the glare from Lizzie along with a head tilt. "Until your dry." She said before she walked into the house. Eli and Robbie both looked at each other before they giggled. "Mommas scary when she does that." Eli said in a hushed tone. "Yeah I know right." Robbie agree before they both went over to the chairs to sit down and dry a bit.

As Eli was sitting he looked down at his hands. He noticed how some of the scabs on his hands got scrapped off when he fell. "Uh Dad?.." Eli called out. "Yeah bud?" Robbie looked down at Eli. "Um..my hands.. there bleeding again.." Eli said before he looked at Robbie. Robbie looked down at his hands and seen the scabs on his hands, he seen how some parts of it where bleeding and the other parts where fine. "Ok ok. Here let's do this." Robbie said as he took his tank top off and wrapped it around Eli's hands. Eli looked at his before he made a weird face. "Your shirt is wear and yucky!" Eli blurted out before he did a little shiver. Robbie rolled his eyes "well your hands need to stop bleeding ok. And I'd rather have my shirt get bloody unlike yours. Even though it has a lot of mud stains on it." Robbie stated. "Oh ok. Wait will momma get the stains out?" Eli asked. "Oh yeah for sure." Robbie nodded at him. "I want to go inside now. I feel gross. And my eye is itchy!" Eli blurted out. "Well I'll call for your mother then." Robbie said before he got up and walked to the door and yelled for Lizzie.

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